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Twentytwo Lr Thoughts...

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Im toying with the idea of applying for my ticket, done the forms and its all ready to go, perms are set and target club primed.


Ive shot a friends Browning T-Bolt 16.5 Target Varmint and I like it, both in my shoulder and down range, so Ill perhaps head that way for the rifle in 22LR.


Whats the beef with 'munitions? Any recommendations? It'll be used for both target and field work. I dont want anything to fast and most defiantly subsonic but pretty accurate.




As an edit, I shot Eley subs Xtra in the rifle and they seemed pretty fine.

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Winchester Super X subsonic hollowpoints get the job done. However, if you see 'em in a red plastic box of 100 at a good price, pass on by, they're inaccurate. Go for the proper jobs in black boxes of 50.


Remington hollowpoint subs are cheaper than Winnies, but shockingly inaccurate -- avoid like the plague.


Lapua sells its Akah subsonic range (X-Zone and X-Target) over here, and they're very good -- the Targets are as accurate as Winchesters through my Zastava at 65 yards (one-inch groups). The Zones are slightly better, under one inch at that range. They're both LRNs (Lead Round Nose), which some would regard as unsuitable for hunting. I use them on coypus though, and they do the job. I do get overpenetration at under 35 yards, but then I sometimes get that with Winchesters too, depending on the shot angle.


Aguila Super Extra subs don't group for me.


Haven't found any Eley subs over here to try yet, but I've read many good reports about them.

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Has any one had a problem with recycling the spent case on Winchester subs (black box ) as opposed to the old blue box ones .? ..my CZ works perfectly using subs from the blue box but not from the black ...

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Odd that you mention that Rich, yes i've had a few like that recently.

Thought it was just down to dirt in the mechanism etc

That was my initial thought , but having checked and cleaned the rifle it made no difference , still won't eject the ones from the black boxes ...have Winchester changed the spec ?

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Has any one had a problem with recycling the spent case on Winchester subs (black box ) as opposed to the old blue box ones .? ..my CZ works perfectly using subs from the blue box but not from the black ...

In my Annie 1417 I find that if i do it fairly vigorously they come out fine but if I try to baby it they lay in the chamber.

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Winchester subsonics are brilliant, I also used to use cb ammo when shooting up trees for pigeon and squirrels as they were much safer with just about 30 fpe. but with the winchester rounds on damp mornings all you could hear was a hiss as they left the moderator and a click of the firing pin.

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