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Not Impressed With The 100

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Was i expecting to much with the hw100 after every one boosting them up on how good they are.


well to say i was not impressed with it is an understatement


set the zero distance at 30 yards and was putting pellet on pellet so was well happy but did still have the odd flyer using jsb exacts 15,89


to cut a long story short took three shots at three rabbits and mist three rabbits and if i had took the same shots with the 97 or 80 i would have them in the freezer now


so im going to lead the barrel out with a few tins of pellets and give her another go and if im still not happy she is going full stop


by the way she is fitted with mtc mambers and i no the scope is mint iv had this scope as you all no on most of my rifles including the springers and have all ways been spot on


O, and i have to fit a gun sling there fecking heavy rifles



atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:



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Cant blame the gun mate , its the shooter

cant believe you even doubted us tbh they are a fecking tool even in .22 glad your sorted with it, can you not get the nv on it and get back in there after some rats? gives you some where get out i

Should of gone for the KT and in .177

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Zandy say,d last night to me that since i sold the raider iv compared every rifle to it and that i need to let go may be he is right


as at the moment nothing iv had can touch that rifle


and vislauk say,d i was a fool to let it go


and that i was rushing to much with the 100


and that i need to calm down


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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  On 05/07/2015 at 08:32, secretagentmole said:


  On 05/07/2015 at 07:33, bigmac 97kt said:

Should of bought a raider AT44 :cray:


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

There that is better.....


TW*T :laugh::tongue2:


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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sometimes my shooting gets messed up , after shooting a pcp for a while then changing to a spring gun or vice versa you have to hold the spring gun loose and hold the pcp firm when shooting ,well I done .I feel the spring gun is a bit like a gyroscope for a split second when you pull the trigger and a pcp is like a gyroscope that is not spinning so you have to hold the gun . I forget this when changing from one gun to the other .

Edited by barrywhite
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  On 05/07/2015 at 08:10, timmytree said:

Mac, I reckon you're expecting too much! It's a new rifle that you haven't really tried yet, it handles differently.

I think you should forget the rabbits for a few days, just get out in a field with some knockdowns or plinking targets like those toy soldiers in the pound shops and concentrate on getting to know the rifle properly, do it at night as well to simulate lamping and you might find it helps.

Spot on and thats what im going to do


the raider is gone full stop


time to make another legend


a hw100 to put all 100,s to shame


now iv just got to learn to shoot the fecking thing lol :laugh:


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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  On 05/07/2015 at 08:57, vizlauk said:

Do as I did, spend a night plinking as I did, get to know the gun! As I said last night its not the gun it's you mate, rushing it will get you no where.

I no how you felt last week now mate


but i dont no if i want to keep it now


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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