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Life On The Dole Channel 5

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thats why there risking there lives to come here because we cant wait to give them fecking hand outs and homes i still remember being laid of due to staff cut backs went to the dole first time in 30 years of working and paying taxes etc i was made to feel like a thief asked to provide bank statements papers to prove who i was and that i was laid of and my payments felt more like a police interview then in walks 2 women 1 cant speak english other can hardly string to words together feck me they only rung up for someone to come down and help her fill her forms in and make a claim :blink: couldnt do enough for them yet me whos paid my dues got treated like a fecking criminal the all systems a joke from top to bottom were still paying for families whos husbands are convicted terrorists to live here in comfort yet we dont look after are own ex servicemen living rough begging just to survive whilst theses cnuts live it up

Edited by blackmaggie
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thats why there risking there lives to come here because we cant wait to give them fecking hand outs and homes i still remember being laid of due to staff cut backs went to the dole first time in 30 years of working and paying taxes etc i was made to feel like a thief asked to provide bank statements papers to prove who i was and that i was laid of and my payments felt more like a police interview then in walks 2 women 1 cant speak english other can hardly string to words together feck me they only rung up for someone to come down and help her fill her forms in and make a claim :blink: couldnt do enough for them yet me whos paid my dues got treated like a fecking criminal the all systems a joke from top to bottom were still paying for families whos husbands are convicted terrorists to live here in comfort yet we dont look after are own ex servicemen living rough begging just to survive whilst theses cnuts live it up

I been there too blackmaggie, I was made redundant 2 years ago after 10 years in that job I'd paid £100 a week in tax for all that time and had to sighn on as proof of redundancy so I got my redundancy payment.


It was a horrific experience going into Leeds City centre and been in a wye full if immigrants and chavs that had not worked a day in their lives and where sat outside drinking cider for an hour before going in it was like a jolly day out for them. I was grilled and made to feel like filth while I watched scum sat at tables around me for 2 minuits to sighn on and leave no questions asked and interpratours for them that could hardly speak English. All this was going on while I had a 1:1 bouncer stood behind me with his arms crossed. After all my hard work and 60+ hour weeks for 10 years the treaent I got was discusting. In the end I claimed for half a week (£32) after they messed up my paperwork so I told them to ram it up their arse and struggled by self sufficient until I landed my new job.


It makes my p!ss boil watching them on benifits who don't deserve it I'm working my backside off to support them when I needed it most I got nothing.


I'm proud of the fact I got by myself and am discusted by the system it was a real eye opener you couldent make it up!.

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There should be zero benefits given to non UK nationals unless they have paid NI continuous for 3 years.., and even then it should be for 3 months max.

No job after 3 months coming here, or having been here working but out of work for 3 months, then they should be repatriated.

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There should be zero benefits given to non UK nationals unless they have paid NI continuous for 3 years.., and even then it should be for 3 months max.

No job after 3 months coming here, or having been here working but out of work for 3 months, then they should be repatriated.

Well said even that is been very accommodating, the government are a complete joke. The country is ruined after all the British went through defending itself through the war I once heard a ww2 veteran say to me if he knew the country would have turned into this he wouldn't have even bothered fighting for it the government should be ashamed of themselves.

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The government should take over the job agencies, so you sign on for so long then have to do agency work if not no money

also it could see the a at agency workers get a a fairer deal such as paid over time and bank holidays.

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On now on channel 5


One leach family from Slovakia have 19 houses being paid for by benefits


Had to turn it off cannot watch anymore

watched about the romas [gypses] had to turn over ,frigging joke ,when are these money grabbing MPs going to wake up & stop all the payouts. :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

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Thing is propaganda programs like this are winning the hearts and minds of the general public in focusing the attention away from the real culprites the fuckers that let all this happen in the first place.

Absolutely spot on mate ;)

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And these lazy chavs on benifits who turn down work should be given some weekly community work to do.

Dosent matter whether you are a chav or not if you turn down work you will be sanctioned, life on the dole isn't a bunch of roses like they make out.
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