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Rabbits On Football Field

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Think this one is about covered and your concerns should be quashed,get the things you need in order and bag some rabbit,could provide a good freezer full in the short term then a steady supply of meals from then on? Good luck with it and let's have some write ups on it...

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Practice with your air rifle until you can group shots under a 2p piece every time. Get BASC insurance to cover your âss. Get written permission from the landowner. Inform the rozzers that you have pe

Right have you permission to shoot and is it a verbal permission or written permission   if verbal then get it in writing and get it signed   Then before you go ring the police and let them no wh

Think this one is about covered and your concerns should be quashed,get the things you need in order and bag some rabbit,could provide a good freezer full in the short term then a steady supply of mea

cheers for all of the responses . Ive messaged one of the committee today about getting written permission . Then i will let the police know when im going down there and discuss it with them . I dont have the money to buy a PCP rifle or NV so it will have to be a lamp and my HW35 . I may look into a silencer for the weirachh bbut im not sure how much noise it will reduce /

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Using snares in a built up area isn't a good idea.

Just imagine adding more fuel to the fire because you've snared someone's moggy.

If you know how to snare it is nigh on impossible to catch anything other than rabbits. Firstly dont snare hedge or fence lines - but their runs/ beats - oh yes set late evening and collect first light "always".

Edited by mark williams
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Night vision on a quality pcp with a quality marksman, or "snares", or both.

A good week of this type of attention would put a real hole in the rabbit population.

Why not tell the police before you start ?


good luck.

Well that rules us two out :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2::laugh:


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


I`ve been expecting that one and more all day Tw*tty :laugh:

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cheers for all of the responses . Ive messaged one of the committee today about getting written permission . Then i will let the police know when im going down there and discuss it with them . I dont have the money to buy a PCP rifle or NV so it will have to be a lamp and my HW35 . I may look into a silencer for the weirachh bbut im not sure how much noise it will reduce /

Why dont you get one of the lads off hear to go with you as a guest and if your lucky they may even lone you a pcp rifle as long as there with you


there has got to be some one off here that is close and with loads of experience


plus they can show you the ropes


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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  • 3 weeks later...

The rabbits are still there but slowly dwindling . A friend of mine was walking his husky down there off lead recently and she caught a rabbit . I went down there to skin/gut it for him and when i got to taking the head off i noticed it had mixy .


The rabbits have always been ballsey and let you walk close to them without fuss but i always put that down to never having been hunted . Looks like it might be the mixy making them like that . Ive also seen fox shite around the place so they might be taking care of business . Late Sunday night when i was walking the dog (About 11pm) through the carpark that is right next to the pitch i noticed a van parked up with 2 or 3 lurcher type dogs milling around it . Cant be sure of the breeds as i dont know enough about hunting dogs . As i walked through the carpark at a distance i noticed a man by the back of the van who quickly shifted to be in line with the cab so he was out of my sight . 3 Mins later as i had walked past the same van came driving past me and out of the carpark . Maybe someone fancied letting their dogs after them who knows but the numbers are dropping


The committee has a meeting to discuss sports things at the end of this month so ive asked if i can go for 5 mins to explain the need to cull them for players/people safety. Even though they might be dwindling now if i can get my name down for taking them out then when they come back in force i can go take them out . `I wont be letting on that their going down in numbers incase they think "problem solved"


This is earlier today with my dog vinny . So close . Its not even like it just popped into sight . it seen us come into the fields and ran to this spot . We managed to walk all the way up to it and watch it for a good 3-4 mins eating grass without it moving



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All good advice but a couple of points missed.

1. A landowner is legally obliged to tackle rabbit problems if they are causing a nuisance particularly to other landowners. Are the rabbits coming through from the next door field?

2.The owners of the pitch may have a serious issue with THEIR public liability insurance if someone injures themselves because of a rabbit hole.

3. Shooting next to someones property is not an offence unless a pellet crosses the boundary so there is nothing the owners can do if you are quiet and considerate.


As mentioned, get permission in writing, it MAY be worth talking to local plod first to put them in the picture but basically if you have permission from the landowner and act sensibly any complaint is invalid.

1 a landowner is no longer obliged to control rabbits on his land...it was never a legal matter as rabbits move backwards and forwards

What has always been a legal matter is maintenance of the fence line between them

Y.I.S Leeview

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