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had a few pulled over the years,top and bottom, never felt so much relief as it was wrenched from its socket lol,beats tooth ache every day of the week

Fukin man up!!

I got a tooth pulled yesterday and it was one of the worst things I've ever went trough in my life It took just under an hour to taknut the pain was horrendous know matter how many times the dentist i

I had one taken out last month was glad to see the back of it after all the pain it caused me BUT what was more pain then the toothache itself was the 'dry socket' after!!


I thought once the tooth was gone I'd be pain free...... Like fcuk that 'dry socket' was painful had to go back to the dentist every day to get the dressing ( clove tasting thing in the hole ) changed! As said earlier plenty of salt water to keep it clean!!

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Lol walshy, iv been there after some cnuts tried mugging me, about a week after found out had cracked one of my molars, went to dentist they pulled a little bit out and said it was infected so take anitibiotics and charged me 50 quid. Managed another day felt like someone was sticking a knitting needle down my ear into my jaw. Went to emergancy and got it pulled out, must of been hardest 15 quid he ever earned dentist was only tiny and nurse finished up with her knee on my chest to keep me in the chair. Came out with a big wedge of cotton wool crap stuck in my mouth while waited to see if it needed stiches and bloody woman in waiting room fainted at the sight of blood and fell of the bench lol.
this stuff is the best stuff for healing/stopping it get infected


Edited by treecreeper
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  On 02/07/2015 at 09:21, MoChara said:


  On 02/07/2015 at 09:11, peterhunter86 said:

Feck me ir was rough it just didn't want to come out first it shattered the couldn't get a grip dentist wad usen a thing like a screwdriver to pop the root out but that didn't work the tried to cut root in half with the the drill but but still wouldn't budge I was sweating from head to toe after fifty five minutes it came out even the dentist had to sit down for a rest after it im at home in bed in a heap doped up on painkillers

if you smoke mind you don't get that dry socket, himself got that and he was in agony - more than likely caused by him smoking too close after teeth come out
I've had the "dry socket" and it was terrible. I've looked after my teeth a lot more since lol
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  On 02/07/2015 at 09:04, cragman said:

I actually enjoy going to the dentist. Never had a bad experience YET!! Always nice to come out after treatment knowing things are sound

You are fecking mad then! I much preferred my vasectomy to my root filling tbh.


Cheers, D.

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my dentists a laugh and i look forward to go tbh and he plays heavy metal. :laugh:


once had to cut my gum as he couldnt extract a wisdom tooth because the root was much bigger than normal he recond. even asked if i minded him keeping the tooth to show his friends lol.


even got a free filling one time

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Recently had root canal because of a tooth that rotted away and they fixed me a new one up with a cap I can honestly say the ache I got from the treatment was worse than the toothache but it's all clear now with no aches atall, love the injections tho and seeing it come into your mouth best part and the numb feeling is lovely

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  On 02/07/2015 at 20:23, dytkos said:


  On 02/07/2015 at 19:57, suffolkpoacher said:

Got to have 4 out next week looking forward to it

I can imagine lol

Cheers, D.

It's actually in 2 weeks asked if I wanted knocking out but I react bad to it so will see how it goes great
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What ever you do don't go too the student dentists god there coarse I had a Student doing myne for a while cos it was cheaper but there is a reason there cheaper he was that bad he cut my upper lip a good 3 cm scar then the c**t tried too tell me I had it when I came in got a nice Indian girl that I go too now softest hands in Scotland me thinks and no fecking about either just reminded me Iam meant too go soon

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  On 02/07/2015 at 20:33, smithie said:

my dentists a laugh and i look forward to go tbh and he plays heavy metal. :laugh:


once had to cut my gum as he couldnt extract a wisdom tooth because the root was much bigger than normal he recond. even asked if i minded him keeping the tooth to show his friends lol.


even got a free filling one time

That must be not dissimilar to getting a free foreskin caught in your fly experience :blink:


Cheers, D.

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paying for the filling is more pain than having a filling normaly except once had a filling on my front tooth, dentist said its only a tiny hole do you think you can handle it without a needle as it makes all the front of your face numb and snotty.. like a nob head i said ok, could have pulled the arms of the chair with the pain ( 1 bad experaince thats all)


and D mate dont write it blue its not a good look. lol

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