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Most of the Chinese tubes i'l max out{ kinda like you can feel the lastic is streatched to the limit }er well actually i max out my squares as well ,tubes an squares are generally gonna last longest bands like the thera band etc are generally faster but quite a bit shorter life befor breaking ,it's kind hard to suggest a lastic set for yah like we don't know if yah can pull heavy set ups er in between or even if you would want to ?i'd step out on a limb an say mebe 1745 tubes doubled or mebe even single or 1842 doubled both are common set ups an still has good band life but a bit slower than the bands .

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chisler what lenghts you using???



My draw length is 28" so I've cut my tubes to 7 1/2 " I might shorten them a bit say down to 7", their not maxin out, I'm new to tubes so experimenting, as said 9.5 bb's fly out and cuts cans lovely, however the 12mm lead seems a bit slow, I'm thinking of buying a 10mm mold I've loads of scrap lead from churches that I have worked on.

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Draw length divided by 5 is what most go by

Yep scrap/off cuts, when I'm doing the stone work on churches their's usually other trades working on site as well, I always try and blag any lead off them, I smelt it down and use it to fix stainless steel dowels with in the stone (old fashioned way of doing it). I've just shortened my tubes down to 6 1/2", I used your formula and it came out at 5.6" so I added a bit on for fitting and not to max them out, thanks so much for info, it's increased the power most definitely.

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