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The Real Holocaust ?

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You got a pretty twisted way of looking back at history...the ss Totenkopf that slaughtered brave lads of the Royal Norfolk Regiment that where fighting a rear gaurd action outside Dunkirk...also fou

Agreed we could/should have avoided the war.   But when you look@players it was inevitable. Churchill,Stalin,hitler. They were all cut from the same cloth! Life was cheap war and winning it was a

hitler created a new monetary system that rivalled the west and communist russia and made the quickest recovery from depression ever, international jewry declared war on the germans in like 1933. we o

An in guessing you don't think there's a limit neems


Have you heard of the peanut experiment, which has been carried out at least a billion times in the last hundred years, to which our world food industry depends on it failing, thank goodness

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the laughable thing is left wing antifascits and anarchists who say stuff like hang a banker and claim they want to get rid of capitalism and the control of the banks and big business and then hate hitler above everything else in the world because he hung some bankers and our brave lot were tricked into fighting in essence for bankers against a rival system. the whole thing was a massive waste of life.

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I can't watch any documentary on genocide makes me vomit and feel ashamed of what we are capable of doing to each other.As for it all being a Jewish conspiracy well you think they would of got more out of it than some barren middle eastern dust bowl.war is war but when civilians are targeted there are no winners,.

"As for it all being a Jewish conspiracy well you think they would of got more out of it than some barren middle eastern dust bowl"


Insulting peoples intelligence does you no favours.

I am constantly surprised at the lack of intelligence in people. Most people will agree / believe all that was gained was a barren middle eastern dust bowl and not question or want to know what happened before, during or after the war. I applaud those whose eyes are open and can see what is happening right in front of us. I have never been able to understand why so many seem to be so easily blinded, even smart and honest people often just will not see reason even when they are PROVEN wrong.



Totally agree mate. People seem to be in denial to me? Its not like a lot of it is even hidden, people just accept it, even defend it ffs..........Some of the most outspoken critics of this fiasco are Jewish, but the sheep wont even believe them?

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