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The Real Holocaust ?

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Oh God kanny what have you started. I see 50+ pages of circular arguments on religion in this threads future :laugh:

Yeh but it might be a tad more realistic than a pure bred master race.....haha.....

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You got a pretty twisted way of looking back at history...the ss Totenkopf that slaughtered brave lads of the Royal Norfolk Regiment that where fighting a rear gaurd action outside Dunkirk...also fou

Agreed we could/should have avoided the war.   But when you look@players it was inevitable. Churchill,Stalin,hitler. They were all cut from the same cloth! Life was cheap war and winning it was a

hitler created a new monetary system that rivalled the west and communist russia and made the quickest recovery from depression ever, international jewry declared war on the germans in like 1933. we o



I can't watch any documentary on genocide makes me vomit and feel ashamed of what we are capable of doing to each other.As for it all being a Jewish conspiracy well you think they would of got more out of it than some barren middle eastern dust bowl.war is war but when civilians are targeted there are no winners,.

"As for it all being a Jewish conspiracy well you think they would of got more out of it than some barren middle eastern dust bowl"


Insulting peoples intelligence does you no favours.

I am constantly surprised at the lack of intelligence in people. Most people will agree / believe all that was gained was a barren middle eastern dust bowl and not question or want to know what happened before, during or after the war. I applaud those whose eyes are open and can see what is happening right in front of us. I have never been able to understand why so many seem to be so easily blinded, even smart and honest people often just will not see reason even when they are PROVEN wrong.
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Put you name down for Mars neems as your ideology is unachievable here on earth mate.


edit to add you know ever ones dna can be traced back to Lucy right?


All negroids trace back to one woman,all Europeans are tainted with a small amount of negroid blood.


It's a great shame and should be seen as such

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Put you name down for Mars neems as your ideology is unachievable here on earth mate.

edit to add you know ever ones dna can be traced back to Lucy right?


All negroids trace back to one woman,all Europeans are tainted with a small amount of negroid blood.


It's a great shame and should be seen as such

and the chinks?

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Put you name down for Mars neems as your ideology is unachievable here on earth mate.

edit to add you know ever ones dna can be traced back to Lucy right?

All negroids trace back to one woman,all Europeans are tainted with a small amount of negroid blood.


It's a great shame and should be seen as such

and the chinks?


them too,everyone headed for the warmer climates during the ice age,they probably brought back pets/sex slaves when it warmed up a bit.

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Are you saying that blacks and whites are separate species that interbred or that white people are black people that turned white?


yes we are,the only debate is whether the negroids spread north during the harshest winters humanity has ever experienced or the Europeans and Asians went to Africa.

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Or they took us for sex slaves :D:


And then released us again?

If worst came to worse let's not forget the average ancient European could run faster than Usain Bolt.


let's be honest to this day they can't dig wells or feed themselves,they wouldn't survive a week in ice age Europe.

It would be like the Somalians settling in Alaska with no hand outs or free housing.

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So neems correct me if I'm wrong, are you saying black people evolved from apes, an white people evolved from what excatly








Only joking mate obviously god made 2 people they bred and some of their kids just got muddy.


(actual story my xtian headmaster told us during an assembly)

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I don't even know why I asked, evolved, lol


Neems did you ever hear of the peanut revelation, which are world food industry depends on?


Humans skin an features look different, cause they spread out in different lands different climates, variation is in our genes,


Like cows different colours, but still cows neems, thousands of egs


Or what is your explanation mate.

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I don't even know why I asked, evolved, lol


Neems did you ever hear of the peanut revelation, which are world food industry depends on?


Humans skin an features look different, cause they spread out in different lands different climates, variation is in our genes,


Like cows different colours, but still cows neems, thousands of egs


Or what is your explanation mate.


So they adapted to their environments?


if our skin and features changed to suit our environment could other attributes change?

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