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Annoying People..........

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Folk who think they're better than you.   Folk who think your not able when you are   Someone lying to your face when you know they are lying   Vain people (especially men)   Hypocrites

People that just drop rubbish I feel like picking it up and pushing it in their mouths ?

People who spell ramones the wrong way


People that start pointless non hunting related topics on a hunting site ........

.....even in the "General" (ie non- hunting) section ?

Was only taking the piss mate ......

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People that start pointless non hunting related topics on a hunting site ........

.....even in the "General" (ie non- hunting) section ?

Was only taking the piss mate ......

You ? Take the pi55 ? Never !!

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People who invade my personal space.

People who have the bass to high on their car stereo.

Cold callers.

People who drive like lunatics and risk the lives of others

People who say innit blud

Overly familiar people

People who rev their cars and beep their horns for no apparent reason.

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Pretentious people who:


Describe wine as having a "hint of smokiness" etc.


Can look at a pile of shit or a fish cut in half and swear it's art.


Say hey like black and white Czechoslovakian films with subtitles.


People who wear camo to the shooting range or gamefair.

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