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Not much meat on it you'll still be hungry after that!

.to this little feller..

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Just seen one in local paper mate.25 notes.good size.loads of bits and bobs with it so al go take a look tomorrow. Carnt wait now..just got to be careful I don't go mad on pets now I have my own yard..lol..I use to keep and breed barn owls.so easy to train and great birds to keep..maybe one day lol..be busy now with the house and dog for a bit.so al stick to what I have now lol

Seen loads of cages full to bursting with stupid mirrors and bits of coloured rope and no fecking room for the bird so gimicks that pack out a cage are for fools mate,so don't be fooled into buying shite you don't need :thumbs: ..

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Sounds like a safari lol

hard saying no to kids haha, and tbh my kids ain't lazy or that with animals, don't mind cleaning them out and feeding. I f***ing hate reptiles tho and when mu son asked fo a snake I nearly died, took me two years to talk him into rehoming it, couldn't bastarding settle in my own house lol

I had a 8ft boa, a nice royal Python and a real nice milk snake all in my room at one point lol. Loved snakes my dad always kept them, not had one in years though

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I love reptiles I've had water dragons a big iguana a tortoise and terripans but my mrs wont leT me have a snake


ffs man up and put your foot down lol


I do put the foot down every time I mention getting one she says I can gwt one if I get rid of one of me dogs but I played her at her own game a few months back she hated my canarys and was always after me to get rid but I wouldn't but then I got sick of them and asked a mate to take them then said to her il ged rid if you let me get a new dog an she said yes

Edited by peterhunter86
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We had a pair of budgies when I moved into my first house with my first mrs. Accidentally left my young spaniel alone in a room with one that was flying free, only gone about 30 seconds and came back to a room full of feathers.. :doh::laugh:

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I love reptiles I've had water dragons a big iguana a tortoise and terripans but my mrs wont leT me have a snake


ffs man up and put your foot down lol


I do put the foot down every time I mention getting one she says I can gwt one if I get rid of one of me dogs but I played her at her own game a few months back she hated my canarys and was always after me to get rid but I wouldn't but then I got sick of them and asked a mate to take them then said to her il ged rid if you let me get a new dog an she said yes


She sound hard work lol

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Lol.ya I thought about clipping.but the bloke seems to be doing well with it so far.I don't pick it up till Thursday mate..the lads over the moon but deep down he wants a pug of all things ffs lol.received_10153380986145833_zps8qz2cnkv.j

SEE now that's a good wee man - wanting a pug :yes:

I've still these 3 ladies here!

Here show him this he'll deffo want one :laugh: good man :D your screwed tb once PUG is in you it doesn't leave - just get him one :laugh:



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