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mk1 ferret collar

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you can only bid upto an amount that YOU think is right at the time, ie how bad you want one

just a collar?, already have the knocking box?

a new mk3 collar £45, and a mk1 box will pick up the signal, quicker knock,

so a used mk1 collar???

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I use a mk3 locator and box, the mk3 locator will pick up a signal from magwitchs mk1 collars (8ft) but very irratict


however, magwitch's mk1 picks up my mk3 collars fine, the knocking heard is at a faster pace than that from a mk1 collar, he can then tell weather its my fert (mk3) or his fert (mk1) that its picking up

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  dicky das said:

im thinking of buying a mk1 collar just wonderd how much i should be looking at bidding upto on flea bay dont want to be getting into a bidding war and going mad thanks





Are they accurate Though?

no good bleeping / Knocking if youre six foot off..............might be wrong but cant see it.



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  TonyT2 said:
  dicky das said:

im thinking of buying a mk1 collar just wonderd how much i should be looking at bidding upto on flea bay dont want to be getting into a bidding war and going mad thanks





Are they accurate Though?

no good bleeping / Knocking if youre six foot off..............might be wrong but cant see it.





wether its a mk1/mk2/mk3 if your outta range, none will work, as with any finder mate its only as good as the person using it, if you wanna stand still, then you'd save your money and buy a bit of string, but searching and locating is what its about

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hi just wonderd if anyone has had any collars fixed by deben i already have a mk1 collar but it only works when put slite pressure on the cap ive spoke to deben and they said send them the collar and a tenner for them to have a look just wonderd if anyone eles has had one fixed thanks

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