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There is a slight chance, but as long as you hold and aim correctly you should be fine.


Best thing to do is go on gamekeeper johns youtube channel, he has recently made a video about aiming, get this right and you shouldn't have any accidents

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Man up ffs. I can and it does happen. All part of the fun and you got to be a pretty slow learning ninja to keep doing it... Most people give up shooting after the first time :laugh: Theres been a few corking pictures on here of smashed digits, heres a pretty tame one of my mate. He wont pick a catty up theres days :laugh:He lost his nail eventually.post-45598-0-69668400-1434703100_thumb.jpg

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Thanks for the answers.


I haven't done it yet but the girlfriends son asked me would I shatter my finger if I hit it seeing as how they're powerful enough to kill a rabbit. Made me think.


Cant see myself stopping yet ( to much fun ). In fact hopping to buy a new one at The Welsh Game Fair.


Going on youtube now for aiming tips .


Ta all.

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I had an ally Milbro as a kid, I threw it away more times than I had hot dinners, Every time it was beacause I shot my thumb!! :blink:

I always went and retrieved it though!!, No idea what eventually happened to it though!

I have another now but still won't hold it how it's meant to be held!!

It's actually the rarer Magapult for firing Maggots in to the water when fishing! It's a bit bigger than the thumb brekkers!!






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cut a few diffrent sized forks [diffrent gap sizes i mean an ]try a diffrent hand hold , ilike to brace with a thumb an first finger around the forks type hold ,puttin yer thumb in the center below the forks is kinda frightening imo .

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Use a catty right and you shouldn't ever have one. Clean release and proper alignement is the key to it. Stand In front of a mirror and do your stance to make sure everything lined up

But whatever you do don't let release if loaded 7 years bad luck and you won't catch fook all.. YCh that catty I bought off you a while ago is a little cracker mate.
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Yes it can happen, I had a m10 hexnut hit my little finger somehow and by the time it had took me to look down it was already pissing with blood....nail was gone and it f***ing hurt!!! I now hate squirells even more as I swear this little b*****d was laughing at me haha

Edited by j1985
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I've found the best way to view it is to be counter-intuitive i.e. the closer my hand is to the action end the less chance I have of hitting my hand. Over the last six months or so, since I started using a catapult, I've found my hold has gradually changed so that I hold it right up around the "neck" with a tiny section of my thumb and pointing finger and the rest are kind of fanned out...imagine a mock-karate hand...I also drop the catapult as I release the pouch so all I'm concentrating on are the initial aim and release. Only works if you've got a lanyard around your wrist of course!


Just re-read that and it sounds confusing so I'll try again: imagine holding it with a clenched fist but then releasing as many fingers as possible and almost balancing it between the first sections of your thumb and pointing finger. Any better? :hmm:

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