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Could be his temperament is just more to the Greyhound than Alsatian.... :thumbs:


yeh ive always thought that to be honest, as he quite/sensitive dog, a lot of greyhounds are like that, and his hunting instinct like greyhound , anything that gets up he on it right away . as said his temp really only shows when he after or on his quarry , then you see a very different temp to him . :yes:

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Gsd all the way for me, this one even bagged a cock pheasant in some brambles last week. Two dogs in one ?

had them in the 80s, they were good in the old days 1930s , when were used as keepers night dogs . but today bull mastiff are unfit,docile and to big to work proper, the old dogs were about -100lb

Honestly I'd be very wary about bringing a 6 month old "guard dog" into you're home unless you know the person who has raised it up to that age well and you yourself are very experienced with guard do

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surely anything big with teeth will put people off? theyll just go to the next house. I like boerboels but where ive been a fan of bulldogs i guess i prefer leaner looking dogs. Some of them look like fat useless slobs tbh. With guards id always want to see the parents. Amount of shit sold on free ads with the words both parents top guard dogs. Reason why alot of the guard breeds suffer is because its down to an opinion of whats good and we all know everyone struggles to fault their own dogs.


Always like the build of these though.



even the old dog looks in better shape than most peoples at fuckers lol


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No matter how big or aggressive a guard dog it is... its only any good against casual/opportunist type thieves...a pork chop soaked in anti-freeze will sort out most dogs for the determined sort of intruder...CCTV and decent locks as good as anything...but each to their own

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Between MoCharas bark/stranger hate, and Jerry lees sheer size - anyone comes to my gate they will not come in, but with them being penned at night that's no use really other than making anyone aware there's two big fecking dogs about somewhere lol. Also echo usual security CCTV, locks, chains, lights etc


But there's always a shovel or something at hand if the dogs start I'd be out like a pocket rocket swinging :laugh:



Failing on all that, the pigs will more than likely eat them :)

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No matter how big or aggressive a guard dog it is... its only any good against casual/opportunist type thieves...a pork chop soaked in anti-freeze will sort out most dogs for the determined sort of intruder...CCTV and decent locks as good as anything...but each to their own


That's why you make sure any dog you've got guarding your property is trained to never take food from anyone but yourself. Every guard dog I've ever had would refuse food from anyone but me and even then I'd have to give their release command before they'd start eating. You could chuck 20 juicy steaks soaked in anti-freeze over my fence and all it'd do is alert the dogs to your presence.


Saying that though a well trained dog should be one layer of a multi-layered home defense system, CCTV, good locks and alarms are all just as (if not more) important.

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if you got stuff that valuable that someone whos not a junkie wants it itll be got.



So the moral is don't get anything worth having?


You just need a balance,to get past a load of alarms,good doors and windows a dog of any sort,get what they want and then get out again without leaving any evidence,isn't going to be possible for the vast majority or worth the time and risk for the few that could.

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if you got stuff that valuable that someone whos not a junkie wants it itll be got.



So the moral is don't get anything worth having?


You just need a balance,to get past a load of alarms,good doors and windows a dog of any sort,get what they want and then get out again without leaving any evidence,isn't going to be possible for the vast majority or worth the time and risk for the few that could.



:yes: It's all about making sure you're not the softest target in the area. Make it hard for the scumbags and they'll move on to an easier mark...

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Am after a guard dog if anyone has one for sale must be around 6 month, must be kennelled. After alsation really but will consider others close to kent as possible


What do you need it for and how much do you wanna spend?


Is that right, you don't know what you want it for and you haven't got any dollar?

You haven't replied to anything anyone has said.


There is always decent dogs about, but it depends on what you want them for and how much money you want to spend.

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Bear boel are good dogs but again wasted in a yard they are working dogs. Guard dogs are working dogs BUT not for a small yard guard dogs need constant work not chained up in a yard barking at anyone who comes near trying to scare anyone.


A dog will only keep minors away a friend of mine his Shepard got a lump hammer through its head and everything taken.

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Any decent security system has to be multi faceted...


Alert dogs, attack dogs, CCTV, alarms, perimeter fencing, motion sensors, patrols, shit even firearms and booby traps. Etc, etc.


It's all about buying time until someone can show up to nullify the problem. Be that the police, home owner, private security, etc.


The majority of crime is about opportunity. If the opportunity is behind a multi faceted system then the opportunist will move on to something else.


Drugs certainly skew the perspective but if the risk/reward balance is weighted more heavily in the risk department the effect is still the same.

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