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I Have Just Been Granted A Second Permission In North Kent!

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Nice to hear mate , well done , a great change to hear of someone actively looking for land and being successful rather than people just coming on this forum asking for it.

I must agree its ok to shoot dressed like Rambo , but not so good to ask at someones front door dressed to kill. :laugh:

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Nice one, when will people realise, when asking for permission, turning up looking like a paramilitary will usually end in a polite fu*k off ;) not being funny but to turn up with his gun under his arm,your mate must be really SPECIAL, it must have frightened the old dear to death, not to mention the armed trespass he just committed :huh:

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Just hopping to get the plot next door which altho only 60 meters wide (but runs alongside the "new permission" so is in fact over 150 meters wide for most of it) but is 600 plus meters long with open fields at the bottom. The owner of the new permission and this other plot both stopped keeping chickens and ducks due to constantly losing them to foxes. The owner wants to keep poultry again but would like someone to keep an eye on the foxes, I wonder if FLO would allow a larger caliber than my .22lr?

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Your .22 will be enough for the odd fox if you're in the right place at the right time which should be easily enough on a small permission. Failing that if you're local you could cage trap them and dispatch with the .22. If you want a centre fire though it sounds like you'll have a good enough reason why.

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  • 2 months later...

We it's looking good for another permission! The Farm house behind my latest permissions have asked for me to shoot Rabbits. About 8 acres so every little helps! I'm wondering if it's a good time to ask for an open ticket? This will be my 6th permission this year!

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Put a letter in explaining your case, due to multiple permissions, if you can get a letter off another shooting friend who has an open ticket, and he is prepared to say he/she thinks, after numerous outings with him/her that they consider you safe to have open condition, it will strengthen your case very well.

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Well done and good luck.

For those who are still looking this is just my way of thinking.

Trust with the first impression is paramount . Respect, Professionalism and Trust must always be first priority and maintained when applying or finally shooting on someone else's land, once the door is open word of mouth is always your best friend. But Respect, Professionalism and Trust is and always will be Number One, if not all that you have gained can be lost in the blink of an eye. Some get very over complacent and forget how privileged they are.

Edited by just-A-snap
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Well done and good luck.


For those who are still looking this is just my way of thinking.


Trust with the first impression is paramount . Respect, Professionalism and Trust must always be first priority and maintained when applying or finally shooting on someone else's land, once the door is open word of mouth is always your best friend. But Respect, Professionalism and Trust is and always will be Number One, if not all that you have gained can be lost in the blink of an eye. Some get very over complacent and forget how privileged they are.



Too True , well said as with many things in life you always miss them when the're gone .

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