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I once had a light Sussex hen hatch out a dozen English game bantam eggs, it looked amazing watching all these tiny chicks following her around.


Around this time my English game bantam cock, bred with a white leghorn hen, now they were some hardy and healthy offspring. They would often roost in the trees until I severely clipped their wings. They laid a good number of eggs too.

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I've had all sorts orpingtons Pekins leghorns ... I've recently downsized dramatically as I'm hoping to move to a farmhouse soon with a bit of land so I will start to increase the flock again then .........

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I quite fancy some leghorns next time, I found them to be great healthy birds and produce a lot of eggs for the amount of feed they require.

In many ways they do all a bantam does and more.

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I quite fancy some leghorns next time, I found them to be great healthy birds and produce a lot of eggs for the amount of feed they require.

In many ways they do all a bantam does and more.

Agreed, I've got brown leghorns and they lay nearly everyday.

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