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First Lady Visits East London School

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Yes Chris we do have (geographical location omitted) muslims on here, our own Desertbred being one that springs to mind.

It does seem rather futile to continue our otherwise gripping debate, when we cannot agree that there are rather a lot of Muslims in this country now, rather more than you perhaps realise, although I am sure you are just being the truculent silly billy in your denials.

But I do hope you are correct Chris, perhaps YOU have a solution you would care to share with us?


We do agree that there are a lot of muslims in the country. We disagree on the effect that will have on the country. We agree that that number is growing. We disagree on the effect that will have on the country.




I'm not in denial about the facts and figures of the population. I'm not in denial that there are large communities of predominantly muslim members.


I am in denial about the alleged problem this will have on future areas of this country that I cannot name in their entirety for fear of missing someone and/or indirectly implicating them in some sort of problem/solution avoidance paradox.




As I stated earlier... Give these radical groups a platform to show the world what they do. Let them expose the truth behind their intentions. Let them use their free speech, ironically, to campaign for it's eradication! We don't need to be scared and paranoid. Their nonsense is self-deprecating. Give them the rope, so to speak. Let them be heard from the minarets and street corners. Their nonsense will defeat itself. Resoundingly because it's complete bullshit!


Why does everyone suddenly believe that every muslim is suddenly going to suicide bomb, this collection of nations and counties, back to the dark ages? Why muster sympathy, for them, by lashing out? Bringing those that aren't radical to their cause based on the feeling of persecution? Normal first world people, of this nation, distance themselves from extremists. Their popularity is kept to the extremists.


I still don't believe that our fair citizens want to live in under any kind of religious law. I trust them to do what's right even if the people we elect to manage our affairs are as radically out of touch, with reality, as those we're criticizing.


A valid point well put sir,even though in this instance we do not agree, at least you do not suffer from head in the sand syndrome, as do so many of our fellow countryman, it would seem.

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Bgd I can take you to 4 places tonight in 4 different towns and you WILL get twatted in each and everyone for being white and non-muslim ;)

Give me some locations if any of them are near my usual stop offs that side of the water I'll take some pics next to road signs :laugh:


Seriously though, I know there's some estates where outsiders aren't going to be safe but there's just as many (if not more) white estates where that's the case as there are majority BME.


Go see the somalians on the acton estates where the police wont even drive through :laugh:

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All this Jewish conspiracy stuff is just a load of tin foil hat bollocks, and simplistic neo nazi propaganda.


The Muslim problem by contrast is simple mathematics of birth rate and immigration.

In conjunction with an often incompatible ideology.

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Bgd I can take you to 4 places tonight in 4 different towns and you WILL get twatted in each and everyone for being white and non-muslim ;)

only 4 lol


Colne, Nelson, Burnley and Blackburn all shit holes and I guranatee you take a walk round stonyholme esp at night you are getting jumped unless you know people :thumbs:

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All this Jewish conspiracy stuff is just a load of tin foil hat bollocks, and simplistic neo nazi propaganda.


The Muslim problem by contrast is simple mathematics of birth rate and immigration.

In conjunction with an often incompatible ideology.


You're right Shepp, the jews don't have much to do with any world domination conspiracy..........solid fact...........but only roughly 15% of people claiming to be jewish are actually jews...........its just a tiny minority of the other 85% who are guilty...............the hard evidence is there if you look, and some of the most informed, outspoken people against this are from the 85%, so i doubt they are closet Nazis mate............the thing is they are scared where the guilty minority are leading them, and know its only a matter of time before TSHTF for them again............a sensible stance on their part, and fair play to them for speaking out.

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Two years living in Hounslow gives me plenty of experience I reckon ... And again you are dliusional ........

In all fairness i wouldnt say places like Hounslow,Southall,Wembley are particularly rough where you need to watch yourself.......they,re just not England simple as that.....they have absolutely nothing to do with England apart from the geographical location.

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Surely it doesnt matter if you are actually attacked in areas with a high immigrant density ,feeling scared and vunerable walking the streets of your own country because you are white is a cause for concern .

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but there's just as many (if not more) white estates where that's the case as there are majority BME.


Just out of interest.......where ?



Moss Side, Croxteth, Norris Green and all the lovely little shitholes along the South East coast for a start :thumbs:

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Bgd I can take you to 4 places tonight in 4 different towns and you WILL get twatted in each and everyone for being white and non-muslim ;)

only 4 lol

Colne, Nelson, Burnley and Blackburn all shit holes and I guranatee you take a walk round stonyholme esp at night you are getting jumped unless you know people :thumbs:

Went to Nelson about 4 years what an eye open


Went into garage for some pop the filthy animal behind the counter dropped my change into my hand from about a foot above


Something was said to me as I turned around to leave.....more than likely it wasn't have a nice day



Was only in Nelson for a couple of hours felt really out of place

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but there's just as many (if not more) white estates where that's the case as there are majority BME.


Just out of interest.......where ?



Moss Side, Croxteth, Norris Green and all the lovely little shitholes along the South East coast for a start :thumbs:


I see....wasnt being funny just genuinely curious as theres none in London at all.

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Two years living in Hounslow gives me plenty of experience I reckon ... And again you are dliusional ........

In all fairness i wouldnt say places like Hounslow,Southall,Wembley are particularly rough where you need to watch yourself.......they,re just not England simple as that.....they have absolutely nothing to do with England apart from the geographical location.


I was in Hounslow and Southall last week,if ever theres a case oil and water dont mix they epitomise it,politicians should walk down southall broadway before waxing lyrical on the multicultural utopia that they have created,it wasnt that long ago that a pub in the area accepted indian rupees,the area is ghettoised,Hounslow west is like a suburb of old Delhi.

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Two years living in Hounslow gives me plenty of experience I reckon ... And again you are dliusional ........

docks I was 7 years in Hounslow and south hall and that was in the 90s can't imagine what's it's like now


If you see a white face in southall they invariably speak polish,lithuanian,russian or similar,the indiginous population in the main have sold up and shipped out,white flight.

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