undisputed 1,664 Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 Ah wilf we are all human can't help these migrants coming over from Africa and other places all they want at the end of the day is a better life for there family who can fault them for that, plus the reason we have so many Indians and Bangladesh is sort of out own fault anyway since we colonised them and they where part of the queens commonwealth countries, now they move here everyone crys Personally I have friends in the Pakistani county fiends in the Jamaican community and Even friends in the chunease and Japanese community also going over to a friends family's village in Hungary next spring If you go to another mans country then you better have some respect and do everything in your power to fit I with their culture, way of doing things, learn the language or the standard way of speaking, be polite, spend your money in your home community/country (not send it home by the bucket load)........in short, get on board or f**k off home. Don't think someone working in a care home, probably on minimum wage is sending money home by the bucket load......there's a lot of folk would rather be on the dole than work for min wage Quote Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisJones 7,975 Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 Yes Chris we do have (geographical location omitted) muslims on here, our own Desertbred being one that springs to mind. It does seem rather futile to continue our otherwise gripping debate, when we cannot agree that there are rather a lot of Muslims in this country now, rather more than you perhaps realise, although I am sure you are just being the truculent silly billy in your denials. But I do hope you are correct Chris, perhaps YOU have a solution you would care to share with us? We do agree that there are a lot of muslims in the country. We disagree on the effect that will have on the country. We agree that that number is growing. We disagree on the effect that will have on the country. Agreed? I'm not in denial about the facts and figures of the population. I'm not in denial that there are large communities of predominantly muslim members. I am in denial about the alleged problem this will have on future areas of this country that I cannot name in their entirety for fear of missing someone and/or indirectly implicating them in some sort of problem/solution avoidance paradox. Solution? As I stated earlier... Give these radical groups a platform to show the world what they do. Let them expose the truth behind their intentions. Let them use their free speech, ironically, to campaign for it's eradication! We don't need to be scared and paranoid. Their nonsense is self-deprecating. Give them the rope, so to speak. Let them be heard from the minarets and street corners. Their nonsense will defeat itself. Resoundingly because it's complete bullshit! Why does everyone suddenly believe that every muslim is suddenly going to suicide bomb, this collection of nations and counties, back to the dark ages? Why muster sympathy, for them, by lashing out? Bringing those that aren't radical to their cause based on the feeling of persecution? Normal first world people, of this nation, distance themselves from extremists. Their popularity is kept to the extremists. I still don't believe that our fair citizens want to live in under any kind of religious law. I trust them to do what's right even if the people we elect to manage our affairs are as radically out of touch, with reality, as those we're criticizing. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
neems 2,406 Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 Neems you are mental if you think the Jews are the issue with Muslims! Ffs they didn't have a country for 2000 years. Birth of Islam and woosh middle east up to the border with China and the opposite way to the Atlantic coast of north Africa was over run with them. On one side you had Buddhists, multi faiths etc on the other Christians, animalistic beliefs, Jews, polytheism etc. All lived quite happy for nigh a thousand years or more with none of the issues present in the region now.. It really is sad that people believe this Jew new world order bullshit. They as good as admit it,jews never lived happily with anyone,they were always being persecuted because everyone else is evil except them. they've always had their own agenda like everyone else,their methods are just different,they need us,we don't need them. no Jews = no Communists/liberals/anarchists = no foreigners in Europe. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
charlie caller 3,654 Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 A couple of teasers to finish with. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
neems 2,406 Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 And another couple https://www.youtube.com/user/drdduke Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mushroom 13,304 Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 And what?? A couple of fucktards ALLEGEDLY said these comments? That's about as much proof as the bible or a Mr men book for the existence of wombles! 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
BGD 6,436 Posted June 23, 2015 Report Share Posted June 23, 2015 You are delusional ........ I think you might have a touch of PTSD if you seriously think you'd be taking your life in your hands walking through Tower Hamlets or Bury Park on a Saturday night. Like I said I'm speaking from experience, are you? What do you know of PTSD ??? I didn't say you would take your life in your hands don't be so dramatic ... Walk through alum rock in Birmingham and see how long your white face stays that colour ....... Been there done that, face still very much white. So I'll ask again, what experience of living in majority ethnic areas do you have to be making these sweeping statements? Or like I said is it your PTSD clouding your judgement? It's not like Iraq out there pal you can calm down now You are delusional ........ I think you might have a touch of PTSD if you seriously think you'd be taking your life in your hands walking through Tower Hamlets or Bury Park on a Saturday night. Like I said I'm speaking from experience, are you? Tower Hamlets is a toilet, same as New Cross, Brixton, Houndslow, ladbrooke Grove, Ealing and Wembley so don't be daft and pretend it's some kind of multi cultural nirvana. They are all cess pits of the highest order made worse by a population why don't care about us, themselves or the place they live.......they live either as they do in their country of origin or with a total disregard of decency. Why don't you send your old grand pa for a walk round the North Peckham estate after he collects his pension money, see if he still feels the same about "the darkies next door" Even the post men walk round 6 handed on giro day !!.....fact!!, not left wing butterflies and flowers fiction my friend. Maybe you could tell him (when he is off life support) about how it wasn't their fault, it was just racist old whitey Brits making them feel bad and not giving them a chance in life Yeah they're rough areas, just like there's rough majority white areas, still not scared to walk the streets there though. And as for the posties going 6 handed on giro day? That's a fact is it? Even though "giro day" doesn't exist and hasn't since the 80s? Jesus it's neigh on impossible to get the JC to issue a giro these days. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
socks 32,253 Posted June 23, 2015 Report Share Posted June 23, 2015 Two years living in Hounslow gives me plenty of experience I reckon ... And again you are dliusional ........ 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
BGD 6,436 Posted June 23, 2015 Report Share Posted June 23, 2015 (edited) Two years living in Hounslow gives me plenty of experience I reckon ... And again you are dliusional ........ Oh dear, so you and your family were regularly attacked in the street by Asian gangs due to your race? I am sorry to hear that... I'd love an explaination of exactly how I'm delusional though. Just because my experiences of living in majority BME areas is different to yours? Edited June 23, 2015 by BGD Quote Link to post Share on other sites
socks 32,253 Posted June 23, 2015 Report Share Posted June 23, 2015 Through the fact that you honestly don't believe there are no go areas for whites in this country and the fact that you honestly believe you can walk through them safely ........ 3 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Francie 6,368 Posted June 23, 2015 Report Share Posted June 23, 2015 Jews Ares getting the flack for what, because they've followed there Talmud/ olt testament, or because they have a few pound behind them, just cause there's a few big players shouting there Jewish, doesn't mean they are Jewish, Zionists come to mind, big difference, look closer 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
BGD 6,436 Posted June 23, 2015 Report Share Posted June 23, 2015 Through the fact that you honestly don't believe there are no go areas for whites in this country and the fact that you honestly believe you can walk through them safely ........ I base that belief on my real world experience living, working and partying in many of these so called "no go areas" and seeing plenty of other white people there too... Where's your compelling evidence of these supposed no go areas? You haven't even provided a single anecdote of one of the no doubt many times you were attacked while living in Hounslow Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mushroom 13,304 Posted June 23, 2015 Report Share Posted June 23, 2015 Bgd I can take you to 4 places tonight in 4 different towns and you WILL get twatted in each and everyone for being white and non-muslim Quote Link to post Share on other sites
BGD 6,436 Posted June 23, 2015 Report Share Posted June 23, 2015 (edited) Bgd I can take you to 4 places tonight in 4 different towns and you WILL get twatted in each and everyone for being white and non-muslim Give me some locations if any of them are near my usual stop offs that side of the water I'll take some pics next to road signs Seriously though, I know there's some estates where outsiders aren't going to be safe but there's just as many (if not more) white estates where that's the case as there are majority BME. Edited June 23, 2015 by BGD Quote Link to post Share on other sites
green lurchers 16,855 Posted June 23, 2015 Report Share Posted June 23, 2015 Bgd I can take you to 4 places tonight in 4 different towns and you WILL get twatted in each and everyone for being white and non-muslim only 4 lol 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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