WILF 48,084 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 f***ing grow up you whinging c**ts Why ?........are you suggesting that I was not allowed to feel that way in my own country ? Why am I not allowed to feel that way?........East London is a stinking shithouse of a place, same as south and west London.......made much worse by the likes of yourselves coming over IMHO I am sure your a very nice dude but I can only speak in general and that's what I see on the ground and in reality . Well why dont you do something about it beside flapping your computer finger you tosser, Ukip was going to be the panacea to fix all ills according to you fecking planks, I have said it before multiculturism doesnt work but thatsmy opinion , as for immigration this is an island and cannot have an open door policy but is f***ing talking bollocks on a hunting website going to change policy is it f**k. Have I touched a nerve or something ?........are you sending money out of the country and using us until you decide to f**k off ? No need to be rude, I don't think I was rude to you? I simply spoke how I find, I know lots of lads from all over the world.....most of them dont make a secret of the fact they are raping the place so what's your problem ? Do I wish you and yours didn't live in England?......yes Does that mean I wouldn't like you as a person ?.......No One has no Baring on the other from what I can see of it. I have had to move to a place where white Christian culture is still dominant......why?.......news flash !!.....because I am a white European Christian !! I don't want to live amongst Arabs and Asians and Africans.......they are not my people. Don't mean I hate all Africans, Asian or Arabs.........well, maybe all Arabs !! Lol lol What do you mean they are not your people your human just like them my friend!! earth would be boring if everyone stayed put in the countries they where born in, God made earth for us to explore You made great store of being Romany and said others wouldn't understand Romany ways and all I am saying is that I am white European Christian and I feel most comfortable with other white European Christians.......so which is it, are you Romany or are you just the same as a Masai tribesman ? 3 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
CushtyJook 1,097 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 Ah wilf we are all human can't help these migrants coming over from Africa and other places all they want at the end of the day is a better life for there family who can fault them for that, plus the reason we have so many Indians and Bangladesh is sort of out own fault anyway since we colonised them and they where part of the queens commonwealth countries, now they move here everyone crys Personally I have friends in the Pakistani county fiends in the Jamaican community and Even friends in the chunease and Japanese community also going over to a friends family's village in Hungary next springIf you go to another mans country then you better have some respect and do everything in your power to fit I with their culture, way of doing things, learn the language or the standard way of speaking, be polite, spend your money in your home community/country (not send it home by the bucket load)........in short, get on board or f**k off home.Personally I respect everyone's culture and like to see different cultures would be boring if we where all the same I agree with you saying we wouldn't get away with same thing in places such as Saudi Arabia but we're not in Saudi Arabia where in soft touch Britain and like I said you can't fault people who doing something to give there family s better life Trouble is being a traveler, you have the basic f**k everybody else over, to give yourself personal gain mentality, much like the immigrants as you say 'doing something to give there family's a better life' Many of us have a different view which is to work towards making a the place better for all. You know, not stealing off each other or fly tipping and making the place look like a shit hole or intimidating people. This only works when people have some kind of common bond, I am afraid that has for the most part gone in London. Ain't intrested in what you got to say I read it until I got to fly tipping stealing and all that bollokcs just ignorance at the end of the day looks like a shit hole you want to come to my place you could eat your dinner of the gravel out side its that clean Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stop.end 4,082 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 f***ing grow up you whinging c**ts Why ?........are you suggesting that I was not allowed to feel that way in my own country ? Why am I not allowed to feel that way?........East London is a stinking shithouse of a place, same as south and west London.......made much worse by the likes of yourselves coming over IMHO I am sure your a very nice dude but I can only speak in general and that's what I see on the ground and in reality . Well why dont you do something about it beside flapping your computer finger you tosser, Ukip was going to be the panacea to fix all ills according to you fecking planks, I have said it before multiculturism doesnt work but thatsmy opinion , as for immigration this is an island and cannot have an open door policy but is f***ing talking bollocks on a hunting website going to change policy is it f**k. Have I touched a nerve or something ?........are you sending money out of the country and using us until you decide to f**k off ? No need to be rude, I don't think I was rude to you? I simply spoke how I find, I know lots of lads from all over the world.....most of them dont make a secret of the fact they are raping the place so what's your problem ? Do I wish you and yours didn't live in England?......yes Does that mean I wouldn't like you as a person ?.......No One has no Baring on the other from what I can see of it. I have had to move to a place where white Christian culture is still dominant......why?.......news flash !!.....because I am a white European Christian !! I don't want to live amongst Arabs and Asians and Africans.......they are not my people. Don't mean I hate all Africans, Asian or Arabs.........well, maybe all Arabs !! Lol lol So where you live NOW are you native to there? did you not just say you moved somewhere? Ireland? and you say there not your people! there human beings fleeing and escaping war torn countries that your shithole of a country invaded for oil, diamonds, slaves.... raped the land raped the people,,, they have no right to go to other countrys to try and forget the misery that has gone before them....and you slate them.... you sound just like your pathetic government...lost all apathy and empathy for human beings?? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
CushtyJook 1,097 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 f***ing grow up you whinging c**ts Why ?........are you suggesting that I was not allowed to feel that way in my own country ? Why am I not allowed to feel that way?........East London is a stinking shithouse of a place, same as south and west London.......made much worse by the likes of yourselves coming over IMHO I am sure your a very nice dude but I can only speak in general and that's what I see on the ground and in reality . Well why dont you do something about it beside flapping your computer finger you tosser, Ukip was going to be the panacea to fix all ills according to you fecking planks, I have said it before multiculturism doesnt work but thatsmy opinion , as for immigration this is an island and cannot have an open door policy but is f***ing talking bollocks on a hunting website going to change policy is it f**k. Have I touched a nerve or something ?........are you sending money out of the country and using us until you decide to f**k off ? No need to be rude, I don't think I was rude to you? I simply spoke how I find, I know lots of lads from all over the world.....most of them dont make a secret of the fact they are raping the place so what's your problem ? Do I wish you and yours didn't live in England?......yes Does that mean I wouldn't like you as a person ?.......No One has no Baring on the other from what I can see of it. I have had to move to a place where white Christian culture is still dominant......why?.......news flash !!.....because I am a white European Christian !! I don't want to live amongst Arabs and Asians and Africans.......they are not my people. Don't mean I hate all Africans, Asian or Arabs.........well, maybe all Arabs !! Lol lol What do you mean they are not your people your human just like them my friend!! earth would be boring if everyone stayed put in the countries they where born in, God made earth for us to explore You made great store of being Romany and said others wouldn't understand Romany ways and all I am saying is that I am white European Christian and I feel most comfortable with other white European Christians.......so which is it, are you Romany or are you just the same as a Masai tribesman ? Then you leave a sad life I got friends who I go out with once a month one born in the UAE one with Jamaican parents and one who is polish do I ring them up next month and sag sorry guys a man on the Internet told me your not my breed so I can't see you lol I'm not from the nineteen fiftys infwact my old grandad thinks We must look an odd group a Romany boy with a group of people with different backgrounds hell I've even welcomed them into my home to watch boxing many times I've got lots of friends both gypsy and non gypsy I'm a human they are also human I used to be a bad person but i turned away on bad people along time ago I'm a man of God now and see people as my people no matter who they are simple as that Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 48,084 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 I didn't say they were not my people, Irish are white European Christians just like me so I don't really know where you got that from. And what's more, I have not come here and demanded laws that make the people that live here fit in with me, I have to fit in with them. I don't demand that they celebrate St George's day at school or sing "world in motion" every time the England football team takes to the tele screen !! You sound like you have been at the drink mate. 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
charlie caller 3,654 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 f***ing grow up you whinging c**ts Why ?........are you suggesting that I was not allowed to feel that way in my own country ? Why am I not allowed to feel that way?........East London is a stinking shithouse of a place, same as south and west London.......made much worse by the likes of yourselves coming over IMHO I am sure your a very nice dude but I can only speak in general and that's what I see on the ground and in reality . Well why dont you do something about it beside flapping your computer finger you tosser, Ukip was going to be the panacea to fix all ills according to you fecking planks, I have said it before multiculturism doesnt work but thatsmy opinion , as for immigration this is an island and cannot have an open door policy but is f***ing talking bollocks on a hunting website going to change policy is it f**k. Have I touched a nerve or something ?........are you sending money out of the country and using us until you decide to f**k off ? No need to be rude, I don't think I was rude to you? I simply spoke how I find, I know lots of lads from all over the world.....most of them dont make a secret of the fact they are raping the place so what's your problem ? Do I wish you and yours didn't live in England?......yes Does that mean I wouldn't like you as a person ?.......No One has no Baring on the other from what I can see of it. I have had to move to a place where white Christian culture is still dominant......why?.......news flash !!.....because I am a white European Christian !! I don't want to live amongst Arabs and Asians and Africans.......they are not my people. Don't mean I hate all Africans, Asian or Arabs.........well, maybe all Arabs !! Lol lol What do you mean they are not your people your human just like them my friend!! earth would be boring if everyone stayed put in the countries they where born in, God made earth for us to explore You made great store of being Romany and said others wouldn't understand Romany ways and all I am saying is that I am white European Christian and I feel most comfortable with other white European Christians.......so which is it, are you Romany or are you just the same as a Masai tribesman ? Wilf when will you learn, our Anglo Saxon English white culture (Christian or not) was so boring and dull before we had all this enrichment forced on us, "black" cuture has so much to offer us we should be grateful, ffs "black culture" what have they ever contributed to the world, without us they would still not have even had the wheel yet, but we should feel ashamed to be white you know fu*k off. 4 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 48,084 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 f***ing grow up you whinging c**ts Why ?........are you suggesting that I was not allowed to feel that way in my own country ? Why am I not allowed to feel that way?........East London is a stinking shithouse of a place, same as south and west London.......made much worse by the likes of yourselves coming over IMHO I am sure your a very nice dude but I can only speak in general and that's what I see on the ground and in reality . Well why dont you do something about it beside flapping your computer finger you tosser, Ukip was going to be the panacea to fix all ills according to you fecking planks, I have said it before multiculturism doesnt work but thatsmy opinion , as for immigration this is an island and cannot have an open door policy but is f***ing talking bollocks on a hunting website going to change policy is it f**k. Have I touched a nerve or something ?........are you sending money out of the country and using us until you decide to f**k off ? No need to be rude, I don't think I was rude to you? I simply spoke how I find, I know lots of lads from all over the world.....most of them dont make a secret of the fact they are raping the place so what's your problem ? Do I wish you and yours didn't live in England?......yes Does that mean I wouldn't like you as a person ?.......No One has no Baring on the other from what I can see of it. I have had to move to a place where white Christian culture is still dominant......why?.......news flash !!.....because I am a white European Christian !! I don't want to live amongst Arabs and Asians and Africans.......they are not my people. Don't mean I hate all Africans, Asian or Arabs.........well, maybe all Arabs !! Lol lol What do you mean they are not your people your human just like them my friend!! earth would be boring if everyone stayed put in the countries they where born in, God made earth for us to explore You made great store of being Romany and said others wouldn't understand Romany ways and all I am saying is that I am white European Christian and I feel most comfortable with other white European Christians.......so which is it, are you Romany or are you just the same as a Masai tribesman ? Then you leave a sad life I got friends who I go out with once a month one born in the UAE one with Jamaican parents and one who is polish do I ring them up next month and sag sorry guys a man on the Internet told me your not my breed so I can't see you lol I'm not from the nineteen fiftys infwact my old grandad thinks We must look an odd group a Romany boy with a group of people with different backgrounds hell I've even welcomed them into my home to watch boxing many times I've got lots of friends both gypsy and non gypsy I'm a human they are also human I used to be a bad person but i turned away on bad people along time ago I'm a man of God now and see people as my people no matter who they are simple as that I have got f**k all against Yorkshire terriers but I wouldn't want a kennel full.........it is possible to respect and have an interest in other cultures while not wanting your own destroyed you know 4 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
marshman 7,758 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 So many opinions flying around on this thread I'm confused Lol anti immagration anti Muslim anti British anti traveller ? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 48,084 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 And as for "bad old England" let's have it right.......most of the world would still be drinking out of puddles if it wasn't for England so f***ing behave yourselves 6 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
desertbred 5,490 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 (edited) Wilf I bring money into the country to live and pay my way so no I dont take it away. As for you being White European Christian that is by birth not something you choose or have earned so dont talk through your backside. I seem to touch plenty of nerves for you I dont give a f**k what colour , race or staus a man is I judge him on his own morals , acheivements and ambitions. You seem to have a bee in your bonnet with any one who doesnt fit into your profile news flash you are a minority in the world.Oh and think you will find ST George was Maltese Edited June 17, 2015 by desertbred Quote Link to post Share on other sites
CushtyJook 1,097 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 f***ing grow up you whinging c**ts Why ?........are you suggesting that I was not allowed to feel that way in my own country ? Why am I not allowed to feel that way?........East London is a stinking shithouse of a place, same as south and west London.......made much worse by the likes of yourselves coming over IMHO I am sure your a very nice dude but I can only speak in general and that's what I see on the ground and in reality . Well why dont you do something about it beside flapping your computer finger you tosser, Ukip was going to be the panacea to fix all ills according to you fecking planks, I have said it before multiculturism doesnt work but thatsmy opinion , as for immigration this is an island and cannot have an open door policy but is f***ing talking bollocks on a hunting website going to change policy is it f**k. Have I touched a nerve or something ?........are you sending money out of the country and using us until you decide to f**k off ? No need to be rude, I don't think I was rude to you? I simply spoke how I find, I know lots of lads from all over the world.....most of them dont make a secret of the fact they are raping the place so what's your problem ? Do I wish you and yours didn't live in England?......yes Does that mean I wouldn't like you as a person ?.......No One has no Baring on the other from what I can see of it. I have had to move to a place where white Christian culture is still dominant......why?.......news flash !!.....because I am a white European Christian !! I don't want to live amongst Arabs and Asians and Africans.......they are not my people. Don't mean I hate all Africans, Asian or Arabs.........well, maybe all Arabs !! Lol lol What do you mean they are not your people your human just like them my friend!! earth would be boring if everyone stayed put in the countries they where born in, God made earth for us to explore You made great store of being Romany and said others wouldn't understand Romany ways and all I am saying is that I am white European Christian and I feel most comfortable with other white European Christians.......so which is it, are you Romany or are you just the same as a Masai tribesman ? Then you leave a sad life I got friends who I go out with once a month one born in the UAE one with Jamaican parents and one who is polish do I ring them up next month and sag sorry guys a man on the Internet told me your not my breed so I can't see you lol I'm not from the nineteen fiftys infwact my old grandad thinks We must look an odd group a Romany boy with a group of people with different backgrounds hell I've even welcomed them into my home to watch boxing many times I've got lots of friends both gypsy and non gypsy I'm a human they are also human I used to be a bad person but i turned away on bad people along time ago I'm a man of God now and see people as my people no matter who they are simple as that I have got f**k all against Yorkshire terriers but I wouldn't want a kennel full.........it is possible to respect and have an interest in other cultures while not wanting your own destroyed you know We can still be friendly with other cultures and learn to respect each other but I wouldn't not dream of marrying into another culture as keeping culture is equally as important it's ok my friends don't want to marry my sisters and I do not want to Mary theirs but we are still friends Quote Link to post Share on other sites
charlie caller 3,654 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 Yes he was, that is why the true patron saint of England is st Edmund, not that you would know that. Fancy a heathen like me knowing that eh? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
charlie caller 3,654 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 f***ing grow up you whinging c**ts Why ?........are you suggesting that I was not allowed to feel that way in my own country ? Why am I not allowed to feel that way?........East London is a stinking shithouse of a place, same as south and west London.......made much worse by the likes of yourselves coming over IMHO I am sure your a very nice dude but I can only speak in general and that's what I see on the ground and in reality . Well why dont you do something about it beside flapping your computer finger you tosser, Ukip was going to be the panacea to fix all ills according to you fecking planks, I have said it before multiculturism doesnt work but thatsmy opinion , as for immigration this is an island and cannot have an open door policy but is f***ing talking bollocks on a hunting website going to change policy is it f**k. Have I touched a nerve or something ?........are you sending money out of the country and using us until you decide to f**k off ? No need to be rude, I don't think I was rude to you? I simply spoke how I find, I know lots of lads from all over the world.....most of them dont make a secret of the fact they are raping the place so what's your problem ? Do I wish you and yours didn't live in England?......yes Does that mean I wouldn't like you as a person ?.......No One has no Baring on the other from what I can see of it. I have had to move to a place where white Christian culture is still dominant......why?.......news flash !!.....because I am a white European Christian !! I don't want to live amongst Arabs and Asians and Africans.......they are not my people. Don't mean I hate all Africans, Asian or Arabs.........well, maybe all Arabs !! Lol lol What do you mean they are not your people your human just like them my friend!! earth would be boring if everyone stayed put in the countries they where born in, God made earth for us to explore You made great store of being Romany and said others wouldn't understand Romany ways and all I am saying is that I am white European Christian and I feel most comfortable with other white European Christians.......so which is it, are you Romany or are you just the same as a Masai tribesman ? Then you leave a sad life I got friends who I go out with once a month one born in the UAE one with Jamaican parents and one who is polish do I ring them up next month and sag sorry guys a man on the Internet told me your not my breed so I can't see you lol I'm not from the nineteen fiftys infwact my old grandad thinks We must look an odd group a Romany boy with a group of people with different backgrounds hell I've even welcomed them into my home to watch boxing many times I've got lots of friends both gypsy and non gypsy I'm a human they are also human I used to be a bad person but i turned away on bad people along time ago I'm a man of God now and see people as my people no matter who they are simple as that I have got f**k all against Yorkshire terriers but I wouldn't want a kennel full.........it is possible to respect and have an interest in other cultures while not wanting your own destroyed you know We can still be friendly with other cultures and learn to respect each other but I wouldn't not dream of marrying into another culture as keeping culture is equally as important it's ok my friends don't want to marry my sisters and I do not want to Mary theirs but we are still friends That is fine, and a lovely fluffy rose tinted view of things, however when these other "cultures" you speak about are swarming here in droves, breeding like flies, and bleeding us dry, these avuncular feelings you speak of tend to fall by the wayside old chap. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
BIGLURKS 874 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 So many opinions flying around on this thread I'm confused Lol anti immagration anti Muslim anti British anti traveller ?join the club I've read this 3 times I thought it was about some bird going too school it's just like the girl fights at school all we need now is for some one too shout out BITCH FiGHT 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 48,084 Posted June 17, 2015 Report Share Posted June 17, 2015 Wilf I bring money into the country to live and pay my way so no I dont take it away. As for you being White European Christian that is by birth not something you choose or have earned so dont talk through your backside. I seem to touch plenty of nerves for you I dont give a f**k what colour , race or staus a man is I judge him on his own morals , acheivements and ambitions. You seem to have a bee in your bonnet with any one who doesnt fit into your profile news flash you are a minority in the world.Oh and think you will find ST George was Maltese I judge people in the same way mate, but when you totally replace the indigenous population of an area with that of a different culture altogether who have no interest in adopting the standard culture of that place and then make laws so that the original people are unable to protest......well to me, that's wrong. You live in a historically white Christian country.......does that make you a white Christian or are you still an Arab Muslim ? 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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