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They can be stupid fussy or sucidal, real strange fish.


Bread is as good a bait as any, mash it up and trickle it down the tide, then use a flake on the hook, use light gear 6lb line, float rod and match reel, choose the float depending on depth, either a waggler or stick up too a slim cigar type if needed.



I catch them up the river a fair bit and catch a lot on maggot (all 3 of them in the pic were on maggot),

I knew old boys years ago on our river who caught them on maddies (harbour rag) you could rake them out of the mud in the loower reaches of the river, we used to catch school bass on them as kids.

Heard you could tip mepps spinners with maddies and slowly retrieve them to catch mullet, never tried myself but was told it works from people I believe..


If you target mullet be patient!! lol

what size of hook



As with anything match the hook to the bait, for maggot a 16 would be my first choice, bread a 10 - 14 depending on size of flake, maddies 6 or 8.


Go as light as you can get away with,. they can be infuriating but once hooked worth the effort

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We used to catch them on silver foil float fished years ago. They were feeding on cooked whitebait from a power station out fall. A bit of tin foil wrapped around the hook and a small pike bung as a float, you could catch as many as you wanted. I find large mullet very oily and too strong for my taste. But fish up to 2lb are very nice eating.



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Well, two summers ago and I was going to catch my first mullet. Over on the east coast there's a great spot my mate had found and after a bit of a trudge across mud and shingle bars we finally arrived. Mullet shoals were everywhere. They were feeding like a shoal of pirhannas, loads of oily swirls and slashes i the water, right in the edge. Right, i thought, I'm going to hammer these. I has the fly rod with a small 12 shrimp on and i spent about three hours thrashing the sea to pieces and didn't get so much as one take. I was putting the fly in front of the shoal, dropping it right in the middle of the frenzied swirls. It;'s actually a miracle i never foul hooked one to be honest. The tide started to rise and the mullet activity drifted away. It had been an amazing few hours and totally, totally frustrating.I'm still waiting to catch my first mullet.

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We used to catch them on silver foil float fished years ago. They were feeding on cooked whitebait from a power station out fall. A bit of tin foil wrapped around the hook and a small pike bung as a float, you could catch as many as you wanted. I find large mullet very oily and too strong for my taste. But fish up to 2lb are very nice eating.



there is a spot just like that here you can see them from the bridge just below the power station on a good sunny day but going too give that silver foil round the hook a go this year
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Cheers guys I love the summer for them I float and use a light chub type rod with 8lb mainline straight through and small 10-16 hooks great fun. I ground bait like f@ck with mashed bread til I see them then just throw a tiny bit in every now and then to keep them interested. Here's another from this morning around 2lb great scrapper and a photo of a remora sucker fish I caught a couple a weeks ago off the UAEs

ATB Kerryb




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