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Birds Vs Lurchers

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Alrite guys I was just watching some videos on the old youtube and came across guys hunting fox with golden eagle in the UK and was wondering why is it legal to hunt with birds but illegal to hunt with dogs what a weird law atb. Corey

Edited by green dragon
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Strange breed these politician's! How anyone they come to the conclusion that a 60lb lurcher pulling a fox is cruel, but a bird weighing 4-5lb doing the same isn't does make you wonder...

Edited by Gareth12
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Not squirrels nor mink or any pesties unless they are a rat or a rabbit. Badgers carry greater protection than children in this country says it all really.

Not true you can hunt mink and squirrels with a dog,your just not allowed to kill it with dogs how do you flush with a dog if it can't hunt what it's allowed to flush? and any amount of dogs are allowed to find a animal, :yes:

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You can flush hares or foxes to a bird or gun but you cant course them with dogs and kill them :hmm: . Unless the said mammal is injured then it can be despatched by the quickest and most humane method available. I think the MP,s where either pissed or buggering each other when they drafted the Hunting with dogs Act

Edited by desertbred
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Not that I've looked into it in any depth, what your saying is you can flush a hare/fox/deer etc with as dog, if that animal gets injured during the 'flush' then it can be dispatched using the most humane method available, which could we'll be the dog? Is that right? Does there need to be a gun Present for the dog/s to flush too? I may be being thick, and as I've said I haven't really paid much attention but how is anyone actually being done for coursing any animal if that's the case?

Not dispiriting this is right just asking?

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Hunting birds have about as much respect for boundaries and permission as pursuing lurcher or fleeing quarry


Sometimes bird simply refuses too leave glove though flush is clean and viable accidents can will and do happen

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I know the law is ridiculous, but it wasn't about working out what's worse....dog or hawk? It was about bad press........

How many times over the years have you seen or read bad publicity concerning falconry?

Then think about how many times you've seen bad press concerning coursing & foxhunting........


Very different public perceptions.........speaking as someone that's been involved in all three, hawks are seen very differently.....

With hawks I had more permission than I needed, with lurchers.......hahaha.....

I've known antis that were still fascinated with the hawks even though they knew I hunted with them.......

Edited by Accip74
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