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Rabbit Carcass

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I just found a rabbit in a field with it's guts hanging out but otherwise untouched. What would do that then not eat it?


Obviously my first thought is panther.


Obviously,a black panther or a wolf,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ARE THESE GUYS FOR REAL..!!!!

It's well known that Walshie has a black panther on his land. He's seen it, so it must be true - first a sheep skeleton, now this ! Can't be anything else, can it ? Edited by Blackbriar
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Walshie wouldn't eat an animal from some dirty field that's disgusting! He gets his meat from the supermarket where its all clean and has never been near a field

Aye that's what it will have been....no doubt trying to catch a golden eagle or something. f***ing keepers.

Druids can tell the future by looking at an animals entrails, were there any odd men in long hooded robes nearby?


Sounds like a classic case of alien autopsy


Better check to see if it's been anally probed. :thumbs:

How will you know if it's been anally probed? Had much experience of this hmmmm I wonder. Lol
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Ok so apart from an escaped eagle owl (possibility) what kind of raptor would take a rabbit in the middle of the night, bearing in mind the one I found was still warm? :hmm:

Gut shot with nv and a silencer and they were pissing themselves laughing at you looking at it with a odd look on your face :thumbs:

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Ok so apart from an escaped eagle owl (possibility) what kind of raptor would take a rabbit in the middle of the night, bearing in mind the one I found was still warm? :hmm:

Buzzard on the night shift, possibly with built in NV.
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