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The Reds Are Making A Comeback

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As many of you know, from previous posts of mine, I am involved in a red squirrel conservation project where I shoot a number of woodland regions in Cumbria culling the Greys. Anyway, in one large woodland myself and a colleague have been making inroads into the grey squizzers (him more than me).


I've not seen a red in this woodland for a number of years. He then sent me this picture from a week ago from a grey squirrel feeder (shot a few on this feeder myself)......however, this one makes me go all mushy inside. This is what its all about fellas.....the reds are making a comeback...I'm sooooooo chuffed. As you know, reds will not breed if there are too many greys about....so this is important!!!!


Edited by Dr B
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Thanks Chaps. Its a promising sign. The last time I was in the region a red was seen with parapox (in a different wood), so very sad. Since then, lots more greys gone and now the reds emerging in woodland they have not been near in a long time....great to see.


Lots more to do and shoot.....I'll keep everyone informed on how its going. I'm back up there later this week.

Edited by Dr B
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We are on them around us,I thought we would be seeing reds now, but not to be yet it seems have been told they are close by, but every now and then the greys seem to appear from nowhere,they send my little lurcher mad, he's a good hand though he will mark the bottom of the tree,and put you in the right place,

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Thanks to all.


The way to truly reduce the numbers is to get permissions for a number of conjoined spaces / forests / woodlands. What tends to happen is one woodland will often feed into another one nearby - providing a constant source of Greys. I'm in discussion with some landowners about contacting their neighbours and trying to put a project together, specifically for squizzers, where we have permissions to cover lots of woodland so we can knock out as many of these satellite woods as possible so that they can no longer provide greys into the major woodland (where the reds are).


Fifteen years ago there were no greys in the area. Over the last 18 months my fiend and I shot around 140 of them from one wood - and we still see plenty of signs of activity. Its an uphill climb but seeing a healthy red back in this wood is a real positive sign that the Greys are few enough for our reds to return. :thumbs:


And I've just heard rabbits have been spotted in one part of the perm......so will be blatting them this week.

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Its the oppisite here there was one grey at work the guys started feeding it and now theres six and there making me promise not to trap them


Tell them that 1 in 8 Greys carry the ticks for Lymmes disease.....see how they feel then.....

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Nice to see a promising end for your efforts,makes it all seem worth it now I bet? Cleaning feeders is easy,don't have to stalk them or anything! Keep at it and the pics and write ups coming...

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