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Old Lures....

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I'm sure we've all got the odd lure that we keep for sentimental reasons. This lure in the photo is over 25 years old and it's given me some great memories, though I wouldn't use it today in case I lo

I have a abu toby spoon that my dad got me the first time he took me to scotland, around 83-84 it's nothing special but dad died ten year's ago so i just can't use it, black with the thin gold stripes

JD . I had exactly the same jointed plug with the double hooks. It always amazed me that it was only held together with puny screw-eyes. It was a Christmas present when I was around 12 and somehow I m

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This is another old favourite, had loads of pike on it as you can tell by the state of its paint job!....Another 99 p special I think...

don't know how you manage to save them from so long ago I,ve had similar but have lost them over the years , can remember loosing a hell of a lot of pike lures in sweeden many years ago on submereged trees etc

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Here's another two that are old. The ABU was the first soft-tailed lure I'd ever seen and I actually caught a good few perch as well as jacks on it.

The spoon about is a cheap 'Toby' copy, that runs higher in the water than a true toby due to it being a slightly thinner., cheaper model. However, this was my number one pike lure for a long while. I did some serious wading in to rescue it on many an occasion. Being you and mega keen i used to get the brasso out and polish this lure every time i was going fishing, it really did sparkle and I caught plenty on it, though nothing huge. I wouldn't use it today as I'd hate to lose it. Daft getting sentimental about lures, but maybe one day it will bring back some memories when I'm too old and infirm to actually go out and fish myself......


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