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You Want Some Business?

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Crutches, one eye and a few teeth she hasn't got a parrot on her shoulder has she.

The worse of it is I can mind when I was on the trawlers we were landing in Aberdeen at the time and we had the lad on the boat who was just too say the least not the sharpest tool in the shed well af

State of that I wouldn't get up on her to get over a wall

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They still have a choice, i know what you mean it's the only way they can make money but i couldn't imagine what it must be like to actually live that life.

you're right it's their choice, poxy way to live not much of a life begging strangers to go with them , any parents nightmare
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The worse of it is I can mind when I was on the trawlers we were landing in Aberdeen at the time and we had the lad on the boat who was just too say the least not the sharpest tool in the shed well after we got landed and about too head too the pub the lad goes on and on about getting laid before we head back out and he says he's going too screw a hooker well if any ones being in Aberdeen down bye the harbour you'll know there not the bonniest of things so any way off we go too the pub get pished and as we're heading too the kebab shop too head home the lad tells us he's off too find a hooker well bye the time we wake up in the morning the lad is just getting back on the boat we ask him if he got laid and he's telling us he couldn't find a hooker and were like how could you not find a hooker near Aberdeen harbour and he's like I don't no I met a lot of women asking me if I owned a business though they kept following me all night asking if I had a business the dumb bitches couldn't understand I worked on a boat and dint own a business but I looked all night for a hooker and couldnt find any.

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Marshman your right about a parent's nightmare, i couldn't imagine my two girl's to end up like that and i suppose you don't know what's around the corner, i bet half of the brasses parent's said not my girl she wouldn't do that, scary to think about it.

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Bad the way drugs has got them so in its grip , feel sorry for them they're someone's daughter .

I'd have a bloody good bet in her not having a habit,she's eating food for a start :laugh: and most class A's your'll go score before feeding yourself once you've earned some cash :yes: ,i think she's a retarded prostitute than a junkie whore :thumbs: ..

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Bad the way drugs has got them so in its grip , feel sorry for them they're someone's daughter .

I'd have a bloody good bet in her not having a habit,she's eating food for a start :laugh: and most class A's your'll go score before feeding yourself once you've earned some cash :yes: ,i think she's a retarded prostitute than a junkie whore :thumbs: ..
I'll bow you you're superior knowledge sir , still feel sorry for her regardless of what's pushing her desperation
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Bad the way drugs has got them so in its grip , feel sorry for them they're someone's daughter .


I'd have a bloody good bet in her not having a habit,she's eating food for a start :laugh: and most class A's your'll go score before feeding yourself once you've earned some cash :yes: ,i think she's a retarded prostitute than a junkie whore :thumbs: ..
She's obviously got mental health issues that's for sure
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I think peopke are seriously underestimating the level if stupidity in the populace these days. She might have mental issues, or she could just be one of the modern generation of people who are just a little bit twp.

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Probably just a pisshead...who other than a pisshead would eat goat curry!!!...she reminds me of the strippers in the back bar of the flying scotsman,Kings cross yrs back...but at least you didnt have to pay for them...well i never hung around long enough to put a quid in the pintpot

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Why would anyone in this day and age try crack? Whoever has problems and sees pissheads and junkies n think well that looks like its solving their problems ill do that. Is it not to do with how you raise your kids? Dont know any friend of mine whod dream of even trying that shit. Gotta prettt heartless as a person to sell it too.

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Bad the way drugs has got them so in its grip , feel sorry for them they're someone's daughter .

I'd have a bloody good bet in her not having a habit,she's eating food for a start :laugh: and most class A's your'll go score before feeding yourself once you've earned some cash :yes: ,i think she's a retarded prostitute than a junkie whore :thumbs: ..
I'll bow you you're superior knowledge sir , still feel sorry for her regardless of what's pushing her desperation


I've spent time around toms :laugh: ( no not like that :tongue2: ) and have had a few as pals as it goes,so i know the difference that's all and was just pointing it out,but your right in it being a sad old do mate :yes: ...

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