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timer wasters

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Hi if it was me you were referring to on the chat section then i apologise. It was my first time ever on a chat section so i wasnt sure what to do. I joined this forum to support the next generation of hunters and gamekeepers as my son is just that and wanted to get some insight into his world :doh: If it wasnt me then sorry

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  doga said:
well i should realy but i aint been on her that long so this one will go incase i ster up to much shat and get kicked off. :angry:
90% of you lot that have replyed for a start :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: and they are kids go and play with your prams and train setts Edited by dingle
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god you lot are are like oap moaning at everything. you moan when there yobs on the street leting of fireworks. and now your having ago at the next generation of hunters. you are bunch of pricks. you want to help the younger hunters or do you want to turn away. make your mind up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just tobring it back up i wasnt having a dig at any person for any reason especialy the young,wouldnt do that so a good many of you are barking up the wrong tree, jumping to the wrong conclusions,so her we go its about people who feel the need to constantly wast peoples time.e.g whilst trying to advertise and geting the old ive got one of those if you want it and leaving you hanging on crap and even refusing others offerd because you think others may be genuine,as i said before i will not name and shame butif it happens again i will.and that was for the poor individuels that thought they were involved you wernt,sorry.

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