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Bad Weather Forecast For Tonight / Tomorrow - Strange Animal Behaviour?

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Hi Chaps


The weather forecast seems to be one of thunder / lightening for this evening / tomorrow for the south (sorry guys). If it happens tonight, I'd be interested to know if you've noticed any odd animal behaviour around now due to the impending thunderstorms.....if the storms hit tonight, the weather changes will be happening now and will be slowly building.....I find the birds really don't like it. I used to have an old pet dog at home that would hide under the bed about an hour before the storm landed....


Any differences in behaviour in quarry behaviour? Actual observations not old wives tales please..... :laugh:

Edited by Dr B
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Went to the rabbit field that i am watching over tonight with the bino`s ( no gun) and noticed they are all tight to the fence for over 800 yds, all juveniles.

Magpies are flighty and on edge, woodies seemed a little sedated.

Hot, very humid and overcast

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Interesting one this,never really noticed anything more than animals sitting tight,like all pulled in to conserve heat I guess,and they don't seem quite as alert somehow like they won't move unless they have to,I suppose predators don't like it out in crap weather either?

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Interesting observations chaps. There is some evidence that certain species are affected by the magnetic fields produced by thunderstorms and the ionization in the air. They 'know' its coming.....I've no idea whether this can help us as hunters or works against us. I'd be interested to know.


A thunderstorm takes many hours to build so there might be a window where the animals react, but the storm has still not broken so you wont get drenched. I've noticed the behaviour in birds, not rabbits so that's an interesting one. Cheers chaps..... :thumbs:

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There wasn't so many rabbits about last night it was warm and dry about 2am we had a small shower and a few showed maybe trying to get a dring from the wet grass , its overcast and trying to drizzle now a sign somethings building up

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