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Indiscriminative Police Targeting of Terrier Men

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Steady lads theres a lot of bull flying around the Valleys at the moment, all based on one of the lads at the show who,s just been to court. I won,t go into any more details as those of you who know him will know the out come as he sometimes has trouble keeping things to himself, and obviously he is going to be a target for the authorities.




we know who you are talking about and you are more than right ;)

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Never have never will stop

Just makes me f"""""ing mad that all these so called under funded authorities spend money and time on trying to protect animals rather than people.

Going back to my original comment I have it on good authority that the are mailshoting houses cant give you the exact wording will when I get a copy.

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Never have never will stop

Just makes me f"""""ing mad that all these so called under funded authorities spend money and time on trying to protect animals rather than people.

Going back to my original comment I have it on good authority that the are mailshoting houses cant give you the exact wording will when I get a copy.



Heard today that antis have been handing out flyers outside ASDAs and other supermarkets in relation to phoning the police and other authorities if you see ant hunting activities going on. :censored:


Cheers bob

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Never have never will stop

Just makes me f"""""ing mad that all these so called under funded authorities spend money and time on trying to protect animals rather than people.

Going back to my original comment I have it on good authority that the are mailshoting houses cant give you the exact wording will when I get a copy.



Heard today that antis have been handing out flyers outside ASDAs and other supermarkets in relation to phoning the police and other authorities if you see ant hunting activities going on. :censored:


Cheers bob


During the Foot and Mouth F""""king Joke outbreak we had here at the farm back in 2001 where 2500 0f our sheep including day old lambs were slaughtered 20% of which were done without stun and without vet supervision never seen RSPCA or a Anti anywhere or at any of the farms telivised during the outbreak,its amazing what crawls out of sewer when it wants to.

This why I stage attend and Judge shows ,Its the only chance we have to speak to like minded people in person about our chosen god given right to go hunting PS we can also speak on here it is good post-5621-1194986715.jpgbut its not the same

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strict conditions set out in the warrant

– so read it to see exactly what the police

are seeking. If the police are looking for

a shotgun, they cannot search your wife's

cosmetic containers for poison.

If the warrant specifies a search for

certain things, the search cannot continue

once those things have been found, or

after the officer is satisfied that they are

not on the premises.

The officer cannot go on 'fishing'. A

search warrant should be executed at a

reasonable hour unless the police believe

that would frustrate their investigations.

Searches must be conducted with

consideration for the property and the

privacy of the occupier of the premises

without any unnecessary disturbance.



Cheers Bob



And don't forget it's only the people listed on the Warrent that can come on your property!

If they were looking for a Shotgun why would RSPCA be there??? gently remind the police officer issuing the Warrant that those that aren't listed are trespassing and should step off your property! RSPCA are just normal citizens and have more rights than you.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Do the police have the right to stop a vehicle for no reason ,eg a car with dog trailer,and if they do ,do they have the right to spot check car and dogs etc.?


RSPCA are just normal citizens and have more rights than you.



:rofl: Proper little bunch of Criminal Master Minds, aren't ye? :rolleyes:


If a single one of ye had the sense and took the time to Study The Law, as thoughtfully provided by this sites owner for ye benefit, ye Might get to realise that, in a nut shell; Any Police Officer may stop ye. Search ye. Get inside ye motor and search That. Then take away ye motor, Dogs and spades. And, if their forensics boys, when They get to crawl all over that lot, find so much as a single trace of fox or badger DNA? Unless ye have the proper authority to be after the applicable species? Ye get to kiss the lot ~ and any beer or comfort ~ goodbye. It's as simple as that. Arsepca don't come into it.


Now, maybe some of ye will find that unpallatable? Maybe ye'll find it even more so as it's just been pointed out by someone who's nothing to do with you or ye game? But personally? I see it better as coming from me. Because I'm neutral. So I'm not blinkered by impotent fury. So I Can calmly take the time to peruse the saliant Facts. And I've just regurgitated those for ye, in terms ye may better be equipped to understand than full on Statutory Law ~ which I've personally made a habit of studying since I was a nipper. Because 'Knowledge IS Power' ;)

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the police have the power to STOP AND SEACH if they believe a crime has or is about to be carried out. ditch has summed it up for you the moral of the story is dont get caught doing it illegaly do it right and wipe everything down with bleach or disinfectant to remove any evidence or dna

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