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Indiscriminative Police Targeting of Terrier Men

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
ditch_shiter is that how you actualy talk or are you just as bad a speller as me and enjoy occasionaly throwing in a word thats above most peoples local vocablary to futher a piont



:hmm: AllGame; I'd have said that was a weird thing to say of me. Only ye must be about the third to have said it lately. I don't know why. My spelling is quite probably below average, actually. I know for a fact that my punctuation is completely bastardised and idiosynchratic. I never learned how to do it properly so I made up my own way. As for my vocabulary and word usage? Look at it this way:


If I showed you a bananna and asked ye what colour it was, in ye desire to express your opinion, what word would pop straight into your head and out of ye mouth ....? Of course. Ye wouldn't need to stand there thinking about it, would ye? Even colour blind people learn to say the colour they're seeing is yellow.


In short, " Yellow " is the word which best describes a ~ ripe, at least ~ bananna. So we use that word. " Bananna " isn't a 'small' word, is it? See where I'm coming from? I don't sit and struggle to think up the longest word to express a thought. ( :laugh: Sorry, just sat here pissing myself at the idea!) I just use what I consider the applicable word.


It's not big and it's not clever. And, I can assure ye; Hear my actual voice doing it and my accent and the added explietives would soon disavow ye of any such idea! :laugh:

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D S mine was a question but thanks for answering it so humbly :o I am aware of the property ,as in home rights,but not cars vans etc.i thought things had maybe changed in N I ,I knew for years they where searching us walking down the town for a loaf.

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From experience ................

Getting stopped in a motor by the old bill can play out 2 ways .

If you are stopped for no other reason than suspected criminal envolvement and your motor is up to date and road worthy then ................

The officer DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER TO SEARCH YOUR VEHICLE WITHOUT FIRST GIVING YOU A VALID REASON WHY .If they cannot or will not give you a reason then ask to see a badge number and say you will take it further .Usually enough to shut up the most most anti copper .

If on the other hand your motor is lacking in anything and they suspect you of criminal involvement then before you know it ,it will be impounded ,you arrested and your motor gone through with a fine tooth combe .It is then you are likely to be charged with further offences which they have cunningly gained evidence of without you knowing .

Try to be courteous if stopped and provide written evidence of where youve been or are going .Wind them up and you have sown the seeds for a future stop and search .

Foxdropper .

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On the question of DNA

We had several Large lambs killed here with single large bite wound to the back of the neck,we contacted the local plod as we thought if it were a dog they have to be contacted prior to shooting it,they in turn contacted defra who sent a long someone to collect them to be taken away for examination in their laboritories.When we ask for the results they said they were inconclusive as when one animal bites another the DNA is cross contaminated.

Another instance like this is where allegedly a whippet out on a walk with his owner in carmarthen ran up to a large cat like creature out from the bushes comes a much bigger cat like creature mummy and she kills the whippet and then does a runner all not 100 yards from the owner.the whippet was taken to Swansea University for tests they come back with inconclusive because of cross blood contamination between the dog and whatever killed it ,in their words most likely to be a badger,the owner a countryman according to the western mail for over forty years said the first time I have seen a badger over Six feet long jet black with a four foot tail.


DNA is it that good ????????

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My rights


If you refuse to be stopped, the police can use reasonable force to both stop and detain you so they can conduct a search. You shouldn't walk away. You do have a number of rights that will protect you during and after you've been stopped or searched.

The police must have reason to suspect you


If police are searching for drugs, weapons or stolen property, they must have a reason to suspect you (such as a general description, your behaviour, or other intelligence) before they can search you. If they do not, they should not search you.



Except in cases of suspected terrorism


If, however, officers are searching for evidence related to terrorism, and they have the necessary permissions, they do not need reasonable cause to suspect you before they search you. In that circumstance they may search anybody.


Know your rights


Here's a basic rundown of rights that protect you:


* The officers searching you must use the Stop and Search powers fairly, responsibly and with respect for people without discriminating

* If English is not your first language, and you do not understand why you have been stopped, reasonable steps must be taken to provide you with information in your own language

* The officer must make sure that the search time is kept to a minimum

* The search must take place near where you are stopped, except in instances where moving you would protect your privacy

* The officer does not have the power to stop you in order to find grounds for a search

The police must provide certain information


The police who stop you must provide you with certain information including:


* Their name and the station where they work (unless the search is in relation to suspected terrorist activity or giving his or her name may place the officer in danger. They must then give a warrant card or identification number)

* The law under which you have been stopped

* Your rights

* Why you have been Stopped and Searched

* Why they chose you

* What they are looking for


They must also give you a Stop and Search form that records those details. If you later decide to make a complaint about how you were treated, that form will be your proof that you were stopped on that date, at that time.

Further information about your rights


If you want more information about your rights and Stop and Search, visit the Association of Police Authorities (APA) website or speak to your local police authority.



The Highlighted bit is very handy to know.




Cheers bob

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Wankers the feckin lot of em.

All they look for is easy targets not the muggers rapists etc




100% with you there mate, me and a freind got pulled up the otherday just for wareing cammo, wellis and a wax :censored: what exactly do they fink we are going to do :wallbash:


And not just on the hunting sceen, nearly every friday and saturdays we get pulled up for doing nothing apart from walkin to the local chinese and back to the 'rek'

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Do the police have the right to stop a vehicle for no reason ,eg a car with dog trailer,and if they do ,do they have the right to spot check car and dogs etc.?


The criminal justice bill gave them the right to stop & search ANYBODY, and it gives them enough scope to find WHATEVER reason they see fit to come up with. It was meant to be for suspected drug dealers, terrorists etc, but it can be used on anybody.


A bit of advice to anybody who gets stopped reguarly, each time you get stopped or searched, ask them for a search record. They have to give you one if you ask for it by law, but they don't like telling you that. Keep the records in the van, because if they stop you more than 3 times in a month or so, and get nothing on you it's harrasment. When you have 3 or so tickets, just show them to the copper if you get stopped again and start whining about being harrassed. 9 nimes out of ten the copper will look at the records, appologise then wave you on.

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