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Rip, Christopher Lee.

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Was it not Christopher Lee who went to the pictures once in his horror heyday and two teenage girls sat in front of him...after screaming through the film and the start of the end credits, he leaned forward and said in his best horror voice...."did you enjoy that."

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Just sat down in the kitchen with a jd and coke with the iPad and have read pages and pages about him...




Just wow....


His life before 25 was unreal....met the killers of Rasputin at 7 years old, climbe mount vesuvius days before it exploded...jknocked around with jfk.. Served in the Finnish army prior to ww2...got a royal seal of approval from the Swedish king to marry his wife...most films acted in ...tallest Hollywood actor .....what an absolute old school legend......


I wish I had paid more attention to him whilst alive ....I'll be distraught when Bill murray dies anyway ...

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Chris, that is both brilliantly written and jaw droppingly inspiring! Thank you for sharing. ;)


Lee is a fecking legend...!!!


I've read a lot on him over the years, and I think that Badass article is one of the best summaries!


My grandad was a huge fan of his and said he started watching his films when he'd heard about his work in the war. That's how I got into Hammer films. Watching him act like he did was amazing and then you start digging for information on him and it just keeps going and going!


His talents seemed limitless!


Just sat down in the kitchen with a jd and coke with the iPad and have read pages and pages about him...




Just wow....


His life before 25 was unreal....met the killers of Rasputin at 7 years old, climbe mount vesuvius days before it exploded...jknocked around with jfk.. Served in the Finnish army prior to ww2...got a royal seal of approval from the Swedish king to marry his wife...most films acted in ...tallest Hollywood actor .....what an absolute old school legend......


I wish I had paid more attention to him whilst alive ....I'll be distraught when Bill murray dies anyway ...


I read the quote but I believe it's on the DVD commentary for Peter Jackson's Return of the King.


“When I was shooting the stabbing shot with Christopher, as a director would, I was explaining to him what he should do… And he says, ‘Peter, have you ever heard the sound a man makes when he’s stabbed in the back?’ And I said, 'Um, no.’ And he says 'Well, I have, and I know what to do.’”

He asked Lee to imagine what it sounds like when a man chokes on his own blood... Lee replied "I don't need to imagine..."


It's sad to see him go, at 93, but I truly believe he was one of the greats. The only reason I didn't include him in my 12 for the Last Supper thread was because he has a massive reputation for being a dick to his fans.


Farewell to the legend.

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