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Metal Shed

Guest Navek

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Guest Navek

Anyone kept cockerels in one these metal sheds. thinking of making some keeps stalls just for keeping birds in over night so they aren't out crowing at first light (5 o'clock lol )... Have an area to build on 15 ft by 8 ft was going to buy a shed but that would be over 1000 which I don't have I could make one out of box profile sheeting for just over 100 pound (almost like a metal barn ) and then make 4 ft x 4ft keep stalls in them to house the cocks/stags out of ply wood... I no I would have to worry about the heat but I would make sure there was enough ventilation to keep it cool.....the big fear I have is the noise...would it echo making the noise worse or would it muffle the sound with them been in a wooden 4 x4 box in side a metal barn .....I no I might be over thinking this but didn't want buy all the material and the sound of crowing be higher in a tin barn lol so was wondering if anyone ever kept a cockerel in a metal shed in there garden(as this will be were mine is getting built)

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Seems like a good idea.

I have not kept in a metal shed. Sounds like you have thought it out well, and in theory the stalls should muffle.

Will have to see if anyone has done the same, but in theory sounds good.

You will be ok with that cock you got anyway :-)


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