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At least you took it to the vets and done the right thing for the dog well done

abscess or it might be a wasp sting either way better safe than sorry

What do you think the vet will do then ......

  On 11/06/2015 at 13:50, socks said:


  On 11/06/2015 at 13:20, lurcherman 887 said:

So if any thinghappen toyour mutts just take socks advice stick a sharp object in and see what happens :laugh:

It won't work for a broken leg though ... You have to use a jagged bottle for more serious injuries ......



More dangerous advice! Everyone knows you wrap a broken leg in rusty barbed wire. Jagged bottle for fecks sake...



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  On 11/06/2015 at 18:19, BGD said:


  On 11/06/2015 at 13:50, socks said:


  On 11/06/2015 at 13:20, lurcherman 887 said:

So if any thinghappen toyour mutts just take socks advice stick a sharp object in and see what happens :laugh:


It won't work for a broken leg though ... You have to use a jagged bottle for more serious injuries ......

More dangerous advice! Everyone knows you wrap a broken leg in rusty barbed wire. Jagged bottle for fecks sake...



you know your wrong there you super glue the f**k out of it job sorted
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The trouble with folk the day is they don't know how too do anything and sticking a needle in a dog is pretty simple to be honest I was once in the vets getting farm supplies once when not even that old women was in getting the vet too put spot on her dog I spoke too the vet after it cos we are kinda pally and he's words were that's my bread and butter mate he told me you would be surprised at what some folk that come in here for don't get me wrong when you need a vet you need a vet but most things are common sense

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Owning and caring for dogs is a huge learning curve. We all go to the vets to begin with, for things that in later years we treat ourselves, having gained knowledge and experience. I'd far rather advise someone to take their dog to the vet rather than mess about with something they don't understand or know about. In this case, the abscess may have been due to a blocked salivary gland, or it may have come up as a result of a foreign object getting embedded in the side of the mouth: who knows? Certainly not the owner, and obviously not the vet either. The only problem with filling a dog with antibiotics is that if the root cause of the problem isn't dealt with/removed, the abscess may just come up again, in which case lancing it and letting it drain, hopefully along with the foreign object, may well be the best thing to do.


Problem is, until the owner has been taught how to do this it isn't advisable or they could make the problem worse. One single tiny puncture wound with a needle won't allow an abscess to drain properly as it will clog up very quickly. When I kept goats I learned how to lance abscesses from a good old fashioned vet, and you need to make an incision at least a centimetre long on the underside of the abscess to allow the pus and crap to drain out. You also need to flush it out with a syringe and salt water, and probably do this several times over a couple of days, depending on how bad it is.


I've had two experiences of abscesses in dogs where antibiotics didn't cure the problem. A week or so after the course was finished, the abscesses came back, and I let them burst and drain naturally after having poulticed them to soften the skin and hasten the 'coming to a boil' point. They never came back after having burst and drained naturally. Just my experiences of abscesses.

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