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Irish Terriers

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Take him to a rescue center and let the dog choose him if you know what I mean...it has been proving that especially dogs are great with all sorts from brain damage to fits autism to Alzheimer's the l

Get a lab easy to train, handle and as good a dog as you'll get, and by the way, no I don't have labs, but I do have an autistic child.

I have a Terrier with Irish ancestry, the b*****d thing makes me a nervous wreck in public! Get a nice gentle dog would be my advice.

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I'm not sure from which organisation, but one of my best pals has a trained retriever from one of these orgs for his son


You take it as a pup for bonding, then it goes off at a certain age, then back to you once trained


They're not specially bred (at least at this org anyway) they're bought then trained.


They DO help. A lot. Just to calm the kiddies down and relax them





I'm really unsure about the spaniel suggestion tbh. They're a handful... I was raised with them all my life and they were perfectly trained gundogs and as lovely and trustworthy as they are, they're also live wires so wouldn't necessarily be a calming influence




Can't believe that no one has said a kc type staff - that would be my first recommendation

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  • 1 year later...

I know this is an old thread but I'm wondering how it turned out?

Also I had an Irish terrier. She was brilliant with the kids. Would wrestle and play. She was the dog I have trusted most out of quite a few.

Also she never started trouble with other dogs, but would play happily if they were friendly. Only if they were aggressive towards her would she show aggression.

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