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Full Body Vs Split Workout.

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Seriously no bullshit now, is it possible to get mass aswell as being ripped doing it all natural at my tender age of 30. I've left it a bit late in life to start training but better late than never, I see kids in the gym who are juicing and admit they look well but is it attainable through diet and the odd blast of creatine?

All being as it should be in terms of training/diet/rest there is absolutely no question about it,tremendous gains can be made in size/strength/definition.......but anyone who tries to tell you that you can hit the same heights natural as on gear is just not being realistic...............training natural you can take your physique as far as your natural genetic potential allows............steroids can take you beyond your natural genetic potential.....and thats it in a nutshell ;)


And 30 is by no means late.....you are unlikely to find your peak man strength for another 5 years yet !

Edited by gnasher16
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I agree with Sandymere......do you want to have muscles that ache or muscles that grow ?......You could get your wife to jump on your back go and stand on the stairs and do 100 calf raises,tomorrow yo

I dont really have an opinion either way lads it is what it is some people go mad for it some people dont.......at the end of the day no food is bad for you its the amount of it you have thats bad for

Not sure about this myself but something to consider.   What is the protein content of say 10 eggs, how convenient are they to cook, carry and eat?   How much powder do you have to mix up to get


Seriously no bullshit now, is it possible to get mass aswell as being ripped doing it all natural at my tender age of 30. I've left it a bit late in life to start training but better late than never, I see kids in the gym who are juicing and admit they look well but is it attainable through diet and the odd blast of creatine?


All being as it should be in terms of training/diet/rest there is absolutely no question about it,tremendous gains can be made in size/strength/definition.......but anyone who tries to tell you that you can hit the same heights natural as on gear is just not being realistic...............training natural you can take your physique as far as your natural genetic potential allows............steroids can take you beyond your natural genetic potential.....and thats it in a nutshell ;)


And 30 is by no means late.....you are unlikely to find your peak man strength for another 5 years yet !

gnasher a bit of topic I know was wondering how you deal with fatigue/knackered feeling the day after
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Fatigue hits us in different ways local muscular fatigue which causes muscle breakdown can take a matter of hours to recover whereas neural fatigue which has an impact on the central nervous system can take weeks its just about knowing your body and fuelling your body correctly so that although you are regularly shocking the body into growth you are not starving it.......everything from adequate sleep to amino acid supplements will all aid muscular recovery.....ive taken something called Drenamin for years now i first took it years ago as it helps with emotional balance and stops you wanting to rip peoples heads off :D but its also good for adrenal function.....stress/anxiousness will just multiply your fatigue so any kind of adrenal supplement can help......but again,theres other stuff out there that aids recovery as well of course.

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So would eating more help I've got a pretty simple diet plan breakfast 2 honey oat bars or oats and almonds cereal

At smoco Greek yoghurt with strawberries or cherries lunch 2 bits of toast 5 scrambled eggs then at 3 some dried meats or jerky then for dinner chickin breasts with pasta or red lean mince spaghetti/pasta or steak plus a loaf of garlic bread with all then I might have something after a workout some sort of meat Usally a steak or a chicken breast

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I'm a relative novice when it comes to working out, I've boxed and kept fit over the years but new to weightlifting. I've had the odd week or two over the years but nothing consistent.


For a beginner its recommended you start doing a full body routine, I've tried this but after a workout I feel like I haven't really trained hard or anything. I've also tried the split for example on a Monday chest and triceps, after using that method I feel like I've really exhausted my muscles and can feel the soreness the day after, gets me thinking are full body routines the way to go?

Well, the way we do it in America....


Honestly you can do either. The key is to be disciplined, and have a plan. I'd suggest following these workouts and bundle them something like workout 1,2,3,4,5. Then change workouts every few months. Rest, and sleep are as important as lifting.




Don't let the body building tag put you off. Almost all athletes use weights and benefit from them. Good luck, and we don't need to see any progress pics. :laugh:

Edited by Mickey Finn
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Biglurks a lot of the next day fatigue people suffer is from not fuelling their body through the night.......during the daytime your body is used to fuelling every 3 or 4 hours.......if you train at night your maybe having one more meal then going to bed and asking your body to spend maybe 8 or 9 hours without fuel.......then your wondering why you feel fatigued the next day.....The meal you eat at night really wants to be slower in glycemic carbs and be of a slow digestion protein source maybe salmon and sweet potatos something like that.....i used to have a whey drink in water last thing at night and put a couple of spoons of a good quality peanut butter to slow the digestion through the night.....Your body needs to stay anabolic through the night you dont want it searching for the nutrients used up from your training......you wouldnt go 8 or 9 hours during the day without food would you ;)


Lose the red meat mate theres no real need for it these days.

Edited by gnasher16
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Biglurks a lot of the next day fatigue people suffer is from not fuelling their body through the night.......during the daytime your body is used to fuelling every 3 or 4 hours.......if you train at night your maybe having one more meal then going to bed and asking your body to spend maybe 8 or 9 hours without fuel.......then your wondering why you feel fatigued the next day.....The meal you eat at night really wants to be slower in glycemic carbs and be of a slow digestion protein source maybe salmon and sweet potatos something like that.....i used to have a whey drink in water last thing at night and put a couple of spoons of a good quality peanut butter to slow the digestion through the night.....Your body needs to stay anabolic through the night you dont want it searching for the nutrients used up from your training......you wouldnt go 8 or 9 hours during the day without food would you ;)


Lose the red meat mate theres no real need for it these days.

I can still remember the alarm clock going off at 02.30am and stumbling down stairs to force a chicken breast or a tin of tuna down my throat and get back to bed before I fully woke lol .........

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Biglurks a lot of the next day fatigue people suffer is from not fuelling their body through the night.......during the daytime your body is used to fuelling every 3 or 4 hours.......if you train at night your maybe having one more meal then going to bed and asking your body to spend maybe 8 or 9 hours without fuel.......then your wondering why you feel fatigued the next day.....The meal you eat at night really wants to be slower in glycemic carbs and be of a slow digestion protein source maybe salmon and sweet potatos something like that.....i used to have a whey drink in water last thing at night and put a couple of spoons of a good quality peanut butter to slow the digestion through the night.....Your body needs to stay anabolic through the night you dont want it searching for the nutrients used up from your training......you wouldnt go 8 or 9 hours during the day without food would you ;)


Lose the red meat mate theres no real need for it these days.

So certain protein sources ie salmon.chicken ,tuna etc are broken down at different speeds?

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I think gnash is referring to low glycemic carbs ,,,wich take longer to digest than high glycemic

Glyca.....what :blink: I only want to look good in my mankini FFS :laugh: Whats the difference Tomo,which would be low/high :hmm: This is all getting very complicated...

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I think gnash is referring to low glycemic carbs ,,,wich take longer to digest than high glycemic

No mate, he was talking about protein metabolism as well I believe. Different proteins have been shown to have different metabolic rates. Whey is fast and casin is slow. Hence lifters supplementing with whey post gym and casin before bed. Fat also aids protein absorption I believe, which is why eating your yolks with your whites has become 'okay', lol. Fats important.


I like learning this stuff but I really wonder how effective all these things are above the basics. Interesting studies nonetheless.

Edited by Born Hunter
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Its a tricky one with milk mate, pasteurised homogenised kill most of the nutrients, then cows are getting jabbed with all sorts of gear, I've tried to find whole milk straight from cow, organic, but its all been tampered with.


I think IP get me self a goat or two lol

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