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Full Body Vs Split Workout.

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I agree with Sandymere......do you want to have muscles that ache or muscles that grow ?......You could get your wife to jump on your back go and stand on the stairs and do 100 calf raises,tomorrow yo

I dont really have an opinion either way lads it is what it is some people go mad for it some people dont.......at the end of the day no food is bad for you its the amount of it you have thats bad for

Not sure about this myself but something to consider.   What is the protein content of say 10 eggs, how convenient are they to cook, carry and eat?   How much powder do you have to mix up to get

  On 10/06/2015 at 08:58, nans pat said:

seen some of these t.shirt muscle men doing the doors here lol,some people just have natural strength ,what i mean do people bulk out just to pose sure you cant put mussles on yer chin,

Its a known fact that gym memberships soar in the months of April/May/June..............you work it out ;)

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  On 10/06/2015 at 08:41, gnasher16 said:


  On 10/06/2015 at 07:24, DogFox123 said:

The only trouble with a full body routine is involves lots of deadlifting, I daren't do that exercise with any serious weight in case it puts my back out again. Surely there's no point in doing a full body routine if I'm missing out one of the most important exercises?


Replace deadlifts with squats then.......its just a case of simple mechanics.....you are a beginner....with training/diet/rest being good you are going to see massive growth in size and strength over the coming months,moreso than at any other time thats just how it works for beginners your body isnt used to the stress........this is a stage where less is more you dont want to waste the big gains you make on small muscle groups like triceps and biceps you want to build a base that you can then build a body on.


Unless of course you just want some flashy little t shirt muscles for the summer in which case yes just pre exhaust your arms and chest every other day and you,ll be walking around semi pumped all the time :D

Nothing wrong with a semi.......................

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  On 10/06/2015 at 11:38, fifeman said:

Gnasher what is your thoughts on calisthenics ? Seems to be very popular these days, cheers.

Im all for it Fifeman....to a point.....i think it builds good core strength,good tendon and ligament strength as you resist weight at very natural angles......but my belief is you start to limit yourself the stronger you get.....push ups for example......when you do a push up you are only lifting 65% of your bodyweight,so as you get stronger that isnt sufficient weight to promote growth......you could add a sandbag or two but then thats " weight training " you might just as well turn over and press a barbell......so calisthenics fans tend to change the angle of the lift to make it harder but when doing that they change that natural angle that gives

good core strength in the first place.


My opinion is like most of these things it has its place but isnt something to be relied on all of the time.



  On 10/06/2015 at 15:32, Hydropotesinermis said:

Everything Gnasher has said is sound, solid advice.


Are you a personal trainer or summat like that? You obviously know your shit


No im a gym owner mate most of them pretty little bookworm personal trainers aggravate me :D .....like most folk i just learn from experience.

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  On 10/06/2015 at 09:16, gnasher16 said:


  On 10/06/2015 at 08:58, nans pat said:

seen some of these t.shirt muscle men doing the doors here lol,some people just have natural strength ,what i mean do people bulk out just to pose sure you cant put mussles on yer chin,

Its a known fact that gym memberships soar in the months of April/May/June..............you work it out ;)


In the late eighties/early nineties it was a running joke in our gym,if a Stallone or Schwarzeneger flick was on tv over the weekend it was a kncking bet the gym would be rammed Monday :laugh:

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1 armed press ups,all different types of pull ups and pistols are all good exercises.


if you don't want to change the angle but add resistance get a weighted vest or belt you can hang weight off.


very few people can do all 3 of the above exercises without even adding any weight,and i've never even heard of anyone getting an injury doing them.

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  On 10/06/2015 at 17:21, neems said:

1 armed press ups,all different types of pull ups and pistols are all good exercises.


if you don't want to change the angle but add resistance get a weighted vest or belt you can hang weight off.


very few people can do all 3 of the above exercises without even adding any weight,and i've never even heard of anyone getting an injury doing them.

Not taking the piss mate but how much weight do you think you would need to add to hit your max on a basic push up ?

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Seriously no bullshit now, is it possible to get mass aswell as being ripped doing it all natural at my tender age of 30. I've left it a bit late in life to start training but better late than never, I see kids in the gym who are juicing and admit they look well but is it attainable through diet and the odd blast of creatine?

Edited by DogFox123
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  On 10/06/2015 at 17:39, DogFox123 said:

Seriously no bullshit now, is it possible to get mass aswell as being ripped doing it all natural at my tender age of 30. I've left it a bit late in life to start training but better late than never, I see kids in the gym who are juicing and admit they look well but is it attainable through diet and the odd blast of creatine?

I think you would be suprised at the change you can make to your body naturally. Not only that but you are making yourself healthier and excercise is proven to help your mood. They tell people with depression for example to try excercising more. Just eat lots of good food and do the heavy compound movements 3 times a week

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  On 10/06/2015 at 17:31, gnasher16 said:


  On 10/06/2015 at 17:21, neems said:

1 armed press ups,all different types of pull ups and pistols are all good exercises.


if you don't want to change the angle but add resistance get a weighted vest or belt you can hang weight off.


very few people can do all 3 of the above exercises without even adding any weight,and i've never even heard of anyone getting an injury doing them.

Not taking the piss mate but how much weight do you think you would need to add to hit your max on a basic push up ?



no idea,if i said a figure would be a complete guess,i put on a 30 pound vest circuit training which involves a fair few press ups.


But a 1 armed press up with strict form,at the moment about 10 pound,if i done them like rocky balboa feck knows probably about 50 but with strict form it's a very difficult exercise.

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  On 10/06/2015 at 17:39, DogFox123 said:

Seriously no bullshit now, is it possible to get mass aswell as being ripped doing it all natural at my tender age of 30. I've left it a bit late in life to start training but better late than never, I see kids in the gym who are juicing and admit they look well but is it attainable through diet and the odd blast of creatine?

Dogfox I've recently started the weights, two months ago, I'm also thirty, I done martials, but this is my first time lifting proper weights, I could not budge from ten an half stone from I was a teenager, now I've put on three quarter of a stone in two months, never felt better, no protein shakes or creation or supps, just good nutrition, mostly protein an juicing, low carbs, an when I'm carving its the good carbs .


You can do it mate just need determination, get pumping pal

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