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Kit Colour???

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If your looking to get some crazy colours breed a silver to a silver they will come out alsorts but they can be deaf etc theres a name for this im sure somebody will be along soon to help me out

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If your looking to get some crazy colours breed a silver to a silver they will come out alsorts but they can be deaf etc theres a name for this im sure somebody will be along soon to help me out

Waardenburg syndrome? Sounds very dodgey the silver to silver breeding.

Edited by pie-eater
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If your looking to get some crazy colours breed a silver to a silver they will come out alsorts but they can be deaf etc theres a name for this im sure somebody will be along soon to help me out

Waardenburg syndrome? Sounds very dodgey the silver to silver breeding.
For the ignorant ( me ), could you explain what the syndrome is please.


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If your looking to get some crazy colours breed a silver to a silver they will come out alsorts but they can be deaf etc theres a name for this im sure somebody will be along soon to help me out

Waardenburg syndrome? Sounds very dodgey the silver to silver breeding.
For the ignorant ( me ), could you explain what the syndrome is please.



Im no expert on the subject youd be better off googlin it tbh, ive read a bit about silver to silver matings producing deaf kits or even deformed kits, apparently silvers carry a defective gene.

Edited by pie-eater
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Sounds similar to when people breed merle to merle in dogs (especially collies) produces what is known as a lethal white.

Mainly white with odd bits of colour, blind or deaf or with skeletal deformities. The one litter I knew of had all 3 poor lil things :(


AFAIK it's caused by the double recessive in the geneology. Merle is a recessive gene and I am guessing the same goes for silvers in ferts?

The recessive can also carry all the genetic deformities, not normally expressed in breeding of different colours as it is just that, recessive. It cannot be expressed while there is a dominant gene present in the breeding only when breeding 2 recessives.


I hope the above makes sense and is applicable in the case of ferts....

Been along time since I was studying all this lol!

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