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Sitting Tight

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Guest Navek

Well I haven't posted in a couple weeks bout my little aviary but I have noticed today a hen is sitting nice and tight on 4 eggs. I'm not sure who is paired up with her as the last couple week I've been real busy so tommorow I'm going sit and watch her see who she's paired with...I have a goldie in the with her so I'm hoping its him.



A question for the more experienced........if she's laird with a canary cock bird is. There still a chance that the goldie had his wicked way with her and fertilised any the eggs or when they pair up will they not let anther cock service them????

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The odd chick might be a mule as sometimes the goldfinch will get to the hen before the cock canary.


Keep your eyes on whos feeding chicks especially when they have left the nest, its very rare to get a cock bird feeding someone else's chicks

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you never know depends whose closest at time if she not paired seen a cock canary and greenie cock follow a hen who was bieng fed by the green finch and when she squated down cock canary dived on her. swiftly out musseled by the big greeny . tmo. i'd put my money on the canary tbh

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I watched a irish hen i had get trod by 3 different cocks one after the other,a redpoll,goldie and greenie cock and she had greenie and goldie mule chicks in a mxed brood so you might be in luck delboy..

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two greeny mules we got in end fm and she back down on 5 for the greener that in my pals flight .we also got two siskin mules three linnet mules and two more hens down on full eggs what to we cant find out to.either red poll siskin goldie or linnet or greeny.and pair nesting goldies. only time will tell :angel:

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