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I arrived at the perm at 5.30 , and decided to have a walk round to see what's about , plenty of rabbits along the hedge lines , just sitting not far from there burrows, a couple of children were ridding there horses around the paddock and having a great time , but making a lot of noise like kids do .

So after seeing the children I decided to leave the hw 100 in her case , ( I didn't want them to see what would be going on later ) .

I went back to the car for tea and after about a hour the kids came back with there mom to there car

Kate the kids mom , said I'm glad I've bumped into you as George who Owns the next to fields over is getting feed up with the rabbits , as he's going to put horses in his field as well , and is worried about the burrowing ,( Well you guess my answer ) two more fields added to the perm.

After she had left I got the Hw 100 out and had a walk round , I found some fresh diggings

Next to where the rubbish is stacked ready for burning , so I laid up 40 yards away under a plume tree and waited , not long after buggs stickes he's head out , hops five yards from the burrow , and a aa8.4 went thro his head , end of ,

I went back to the car ( more tea) waited till 11pm and got out the wolf with n870 attached .

What a deadly combo these two are , walked round and got a few more . ( happy days







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