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How Long Left

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hi lads

how long would you roughly say my gill has left untill she drops? my own fault i wrote the dates down and lost them shes quite big now i can only get my hand just over half way around her belly shes getting bigger every day sholdent be long left now surely?pics don't really do the size of her belly much justice



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shes started giving birth in the last few hours while iv been out with the dogs :) can hear loads of squeaks coming from her nest,do they usually have them all in one time or will she give birth to the gradually over the day lads?

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yh im hoping for 5 or 6 as the lads hob i used wants a few thought she might of been abit nippy after giving birth but she was fine just got half way out her nest to come and see me and let me stoke her she a lovely ferret never tried to nip me not even out working ,,,ill try get a better look in the morning

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Congrats buddy, hope all goes well for you, my Jill came out to see me after she gave birth last week, picked her up and stroked her and that's when I realised she had them, never tried to nip me or anything she just greeted me like normal. Anyway best of luck


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  • 3 weeks later...

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