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True Picture Of The Antis

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Scummy pr*cks.


"Activists sent a series of aggressive messages to the charity’s staff on social media – including making a vile joke about going to the hospital “to bet" on the children. Several other supporters “liked” the comment."

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works for them everytime because the week will fold and give up everytime . If this charity had stuck to its guns and said were not gonna be bullied and drawn more attention to it to what these scum where doing , I bet more people would've turned up and they would've raised more money !

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Why are the cops not all over this?

If someone posts anything sectarian or racist, that contains a threat or even an imagined threat, they are whipped off to the cells......why is this not viewed in the same manner?

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Why are the cops not all over this?

If someone posts anything sectarian or racist, that contains a threat or even an imagined threat, they are whipped off to the cells......why is this not viewed in the same manner?

please dont turn this post into the usual racist jibe.its much more important than point scoring

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for fook sake , the money was for ill / dying kids, these c**ts should be ashamed of there selves . they should all donate money from there own pockets for these children NOW . Feckin wankers :yes::yes:

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for fook sake , the money was for ill / dying kids, these c**ts should be ashamed of there selves . they should all donate money from there own pockets for these children NOW . Feckin wankers :yes::yes:

Your right they should atleast be fined the cost of the monitor n then the money sent onto the hospital, I couldn't believe it when I read it that really is as low as someone can go pure absolute scum how do they sleep at night and how can they get away with it people have been done for a Lot less by something which was said online..

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Why are the cops not all over this?

If someone posts anything sectarian or racist, that contains a threat or even an imagined threat, they are whipped off to the cells......why is this not viewed in the same manner?

please dont turn this post into the usual racist jibe.its much more important than point scoring


Noone is trying to score points or be racist. I was pointing out the facts that if someone posts on social media things that have been deemed to be offensive enough, they are dealt with by the cops, so why isnt this viewed in the same manner as that?

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what a bunch of coc.s doing that to sick kids ,i now no why ive always hated that lot,we had one in our street a few years back he didnt get time to moove in before he mooved out cant think why ,he was only telling the neighbours what he and his friends got up to

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Like Iv said fight them even harder which ever way you can

Write to your mp re the Hunting repeal

It will take you 20 mins

If marches are organised take the time out to attend

And when going about your business if any antis stick their nose in give them more than a piece of your mind.

I contacted my MP about repealing the ban. He replied that he is "happy with the status quo." Disappointed to say the least, as were in Oakley Hunt territory !


Should we have a list pinned, naming and shaming them........I'll start !




(And he'll be hearing from me again on this !)

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