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Any Lads Had "the Snip" ???

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Wasn't there a chap last year that went in for one and they f***ing castrated him? Mix up in understanding.....   I'm sure it'll be alright.

Had mine done about 24 years ago, had to use a vet and horse tranquillisers because I,m so hung 


Man up boys had mine done not s prob.quick 4 inch needle in the bollox.bit of tugging.could ng feel much ,only the blood running down my arse cheeks .burning skin smell.jobs a good un.balls blacker than s gorillas gooleys for a bit...magic back to work soon as

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drove to private docs for mine sat in waiting room -one lad legged it -I was bricking it but it was either that or the wife having a hystorectamy thing [no hoovering no heavy work no f***ing anything for up to 6 weeks!] I thought feck that ill get snip instead -20mins later im driving home feeling brave as owt -back to work 2 days later -doddle lol

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Had mine done April just gone. Just a local.

No probs whatsoever. Worst bit was dropping my kecks in front of the 2 female nurses... think i was having a 'small' day too!

Couple of days after had a manual test run. Week late was back wrestling my misses.

Sure you'll be fine mate... just try and get a 'semi on' before you go in!! LOL..

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Had it done about 15 years ago, stayed awake and i didn't think it was that bad, as said the tugging's about the worst part. I had a week booked off work, and took it easy for 3 days, i felt sound so went fishing, i climbed a style a bit to quick and felt a sharp tug, i never got any infection, but me bollocks never felt right again, site bricky at the time, so maybe all the bending and lifting didn't help? Being honest i wouldn't have it twice, wish i'd never had it done.

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I got it done when I was 26 hahaha


The blokes in the clinic all looked at me and told me I was in the wrong place,


Best move I made. It was simple and easy under local, I even chatted with the folk doing it, coupla days rest with black balls and bingo !, back to it.


You won`t regret it.

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Had it done january last year ... the picture was a google image btw not my baws :laugh:

I was knocked out to , 20 minutes the op took and i had it done at 3ish and was walking the dogs at 10 the next day and was back on the job with the missus after 3 days :laugh:


Best thing ive done , no worrying about more kids on the way :thumbs:

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I got it done when I was 26 hahaha


The blokes in the clinic all looked at me and told me I was in the wrong place,


Best move I made. It was simple and easy under local, I even chatted with the folk doing it, coupla days rest with black balls and bingo !, back to it.


You won`t regret it.

Who's this Black Balls fella you mentioned? And was he 'back at it' with you or just a big 20 stone black African nurse

Maybe that's for a different thread. Lol

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I had it done last year, worse part was goin into room and one of nurses was an ex... Gladly she wasn't the one tooled up, I was back at work following day laying flags, few days later had a set of bollocks that wouldn't of looked out of place on a silver back gorilla.

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Booked in for mine 2 weeks after the youngest was born 13 years ago

Best days work I ever did

Support your plumbs salt baths no problems soon back to normal

But you get waited on hand and foot just screw your face up and moan a bit

After all you did it for her

good luck

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Twisted a nut and smashed all the bloodvessels through a backfire catapult, got dragged up the qaucks and pulled about when trying for our fourth, looks like a f****d up terrier enoughs enough.......f**k that.....

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Twisted a nut and smashed all the bloodvessels through a backfire catapult, got dragged up the qaucks and pulled about when trying for our fourth, looks like a f****d up terrier enoughs enough.......f**k that.....



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