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evening all been a member forgot password and user name so have re registered as bsasuperten anyway i have been a shooter/ hunter fisherman since 7or8 as far as i can remember allways done it started with a rellum telly out my mam's catologue moved on to my dad's tornado next meteor vulcan omega sharp innova sharp ace titan manitou falcon aa s200 now i have a benjamin 347 and a bengy 392 and best of the lot my bsa super ten .177 as you can see i've had quite a few and done abit so now back into shooting and loving it other interests are biking last big bike kawasaki zx 9r now i have a scooter dont all laugh it get's me about cheaply so quite happy that's about all i can say for now lads


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Not into air rifles these days but you brought back some memories then with the old Meteor, Vulcan etc. .my first was BSA Airsporter underarm load, others being Diana,Tempest pistol,then finally a Weirach Hw80..welcome on your return,and good luck on your scooter! !

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