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Jail For Father Who 'racially Abused' Driver Reversing Towards Him While Pushing His Son In Pram.

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Not condoning what the guy did but I bet loads go away on holidays and take the kids to the camp site pub with them......are they bad parents?   Madeley Mccanns parents fecked off to the pub and she

So he had been drinking in the park when he had care of his child. Is of no fixed abode, A real role model.   TC

Do you know him? he had a few drinks and has no (official) fixed abode,doesn't make him a 'scumbag' in my eyes.   He got 10 weeks for saying something mean,it once again points out the double stand

  On 03/06/2015 at 22:20, neems said:

Muslims and Europeans have a common enemy,though most europeans dont know it.


if muslims werent colonising Europe there would be a huge movement here to free Palestine,mass immigration makes sense for them if thought about in that way,it creates tensions and pits 2 types of potentially dangerous goyim against eachother.


they can just laugh at us all killing eachother from their fortress, Israel.

And then when they eventually lose fortress Israel they can come to Europe, and rule over a none nationalistic mixed race population, much safer for them than white Europeans, whom they view as their most deadly enemy.

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  On 03/06/2015 at 22:39, desertbred said:


  On 03/06/2015 at 22:32, WILF said:


  On 03/06/2015 at 22:10, desertbred said:

My house is bang in the middle of an orthodox jewish area so may be I know a lot more than you .


Bet your popular !! Lol lol

We have an old saying in Persian interpreted it says" keep your friends close and your enemies even closer" also purely mercenary on my part I got the house in a good price so when I decide to sell they will be that desperate to see me go they will pay my extortionate asking price :laugh::toast:

You sound like a yid yourself !! Lol lol.......tell them it's 70 large over the odds or you will sell it to Neems !! lol lol

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  On 04/06/2015 at 09:20, Onlyworkmatters said:

Never been able to find a country called Palestine on any old map and was always taught the area now known as Palestine was an area barely inhabited and mostly unwanted until the Jews actually made something of the place

bit like golders green and manchester then :thumbs: it was called Canaan the land of milk and honey as it was called in the bible so belies the desolate place you were taught about doent it

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it was named palestine and was known as that in 5 century BC, A covenant was made between Abraham and Allah that the 12 tribes of isreal would be led out of slavery in Egypt this was fulfilled by Moses and the land was Palastine also Moses their spiritual leader would not enter the land because he had killed a man and because of the Jews behavior but that tends to be omitted from the facts the zionists like to have known it is all there in the Deed of the Covenant (the dead sea scrolls that are kept locked away).It tells that they were Allahs chosen people even the Qran, Bible Torah and Zaboor agree on this they also agree that Allah disowned the tribes of isreal because of their behaviour. Thats the faith perspective as recent history shows the zionists will covert their neighbours lands at every opportunity.

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  On 04/06/2015 at 09:20, Onlyworkmatters said:

Never been able to find a country called Palestine on any old map and was always taught the area now known as Palestine was an area barely inhabited and mostly unwanted until the Jews actually made something of the place

They made a pile of rubble out of it !

Edited by Blackbriar
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  On 04/06/2015 at 07:10, desertbred said:


  On 03/06/2015 at 23:34, neems said:

what problems?


the nation is the people.


different types of people do not live peacefully side by side,anyone who opposes non whites coming to Britain to live,is in the right,anyone who doesnt is in the wrong.


you agree if Muslims weren't colonising Britain there would be more support for palestine and less support\tolerence of intervention in the middle east,because our people wouldn't be sick to death of Asians taking over our home.


your presence here causes tension,it's in the process of making us enemys.

You really havent got a clue have you?, the same regurgetated rubbish time after time non whites shouldnt come to Britain you really are a divvy amongst many names you could be called, I just cant be arsed debating with a moron.



Thats because you have no argument,you want the best of both worlds.


why do you think British people for example dont give a f**k about Palestine?


youre invading our home,so why would we care if you get the same treatment?

it even leads to a lot of people supporting Israel who never would have if not for mass immigration here.


youre a hypocrite.

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  On 04/06/2015 at 10:47, neems said:


  On 04/06/2015 at 07:10, desertbred said:


  On 03/06/2015 at 23:34, neems said:

what problems?


the nation is the people.


different types of people do not live peacefully side by side,anyone who opposes non whites coming to Britain to live,is in the right,anyone who doesnt is in the wrong.


you agree if Muslims weren't colonising Britain there would be more support for palestine and less support\tolerence of intervention in the middle east,because our people wouldn't be sick to death of Asians taking over our home.


your presence here causes tension,it's in the process of making us enemys.


You really havent got a clue have you?, the same regurgetated rubbish time after time non whites shouldnt come to Britain you really are a divvy amongst many names you could be called, I just cant be arsed debating with a moron.

Thats because you have no argument,you want the best of both worlds.


why do you think British people for example dont give a f**k about Palestine?


youre invading our home,so why would we care if you get the same treatment?

it even leads to a lot of people supporting Israel who never would have if not for mass immigration here.


youre a hypocrite.



Edited by Blackbriar
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