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Personally I would stay clear from feeding rats too dogs not too say your pet shop bought ones were fine but the places that many are killing wild rats are not really the ones you want too be feeding your dogs due too diseases and such that dogs can get from rats and if you have any shooting estates close too you it might be worth your while too buy some pheasants and partridge straight from the game keeper is the best advice I could give on whole birds and talk too some local farmers about lambing time too pick up the dead ones you might need too jump threw some red tapes picking up fallen stock of a farm but do it on the sly you might get away with it though also ask in the stalker section if there is any one willing too sell you a whole carcass it will cost you a fair bit though also look at any one selling ex battery layer hens if you can't get a good price

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If you keep leaving pigs heads outside for 7 days they'll be rotten especially in summer (if we ever have one) anyways so you'll be able to have dogs catch their own rats as your garden will be full of em looking for all the rotten shite ur dogs have left and won't eat :(

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My dogs eat everything I give to them and I keep an eye on if anything is outside to remove it once it's gone rotten so no I don't get rats in my back garden the most my dogs have caught in my back garden was a small bird - and why would you hate to be my neighbour ? My garden doesn't smell - it's kept clean - and I have no complaints what so ever and believe me if my neighbours had a problem they would be straight around the only thing my neighbour complains about is when I had a foster dog and she constantly barked - he also used to raw feed and I can't even see into my other next door neighbours garden but never had a bad word from them .. So before you all just assume what happens in my house and back garden maybe you should realise I'm not just some dumb natural blonde lass !

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Personally I would stay clear from feeding rats too dogs not too say your pet shop bought ones were fine but the places that many are killing wild rats are not really the ones you want too be feeding your dogs due too diseases and such that dogs can get from rats and if you have any shooting estates close too you it might be worth your while too buy some pheasants and partridge straight from the game keeper is the best advice I could give on whole birds and talk too some local farmers about lambing time too pick up the dead ones you might need too jump threw some red tapes picking up fallen stock of a farm but do it on the sly you might get away with it though also ask in the stalker section if there is any one willing too sell you a whole carcass it will cost you a fair bit though also look at any one selling ex battery layer hens if you can't get a good price

That's fair enough I'll just get pet shop bought ones as they have been raised to be food - I was just coming out with ideas when I said rats as I thought they might be ok if been frozen for long enough - but then I don't know where people really catch them from. But thank you for the information :)

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Would you not be best trying to source a Raw meat supplier in your area like 99% of the people on here do ???


Feeding the likes of chicken carcasses, necks, lamb ribs, tinned fish etc and then brown rice/pasta wholemeal bread and the like of fresh veg...


There's plent websites that deliver and specialise in RAW feeding...


Durham animal feeds, landywoods, wolf tucker and many more...


Or your local butcher would be good place for meaty bones and off cuts...


Just a thought and maybe of a little help..

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But you said that whatever they don't eat will be left for other animals to eat

Well yes if it's been left for half an hour or less another animal could come into the garden and take the waste plus my dogs are fed at night so in winter I might not be able to see any waste till the following day plus my dogs bury stuff and I'm not going to go around my garden digging it up to try and find some waste now am I ?


Would you not be best trying to source a Raw meat supplier in your area like 99% of the people on here do ???

Feeding the likes of chicken carcasses, necks, lamb ribs, tinned fish etc and then brown rice/pasta wholemeal bread and the like of fresh veg...

There's plent websites that deliver and specialise in RAW feeding...

Durham animal feeds, landywoods, wolf tucker and many more...

Or your local butcher would be good place for meaty bones and off cuts...

Just a thought and maybe of a little help..

I already have a raw supplier and my butcher never has anything for me - I came looking for things I can't get elsewhere or maybe slightly cheaper than the raw suppliers as well as help some people money wise by buying what they shoot or have caught etc

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All I would like to add is I think you need to give your head a shake ffs, I agree with raw feeding but I just dont see any benefits in that diet of rat and rabbits in their entirety, sd for the dogs burying left over cadavers in the garden holy fcuk it must be humming

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All I would like to add is I think you need to give your head a shake ffs, I agree with raw feeding but I just dont see any benefits in that diet of rat and rabbits in their entirety, sd for the dogs burying left over cadavers in the garden holy fcuk it must be humming

Thanks but I think you'll find my back garden doesn't smell what so ever in fact next door smells and they only have two dogs but their dogs live outside - I don't just feed rats and rabbits in fact forget about the rats as I have realised from certain peoples information that wild rats aren't a good idea but I'll still feed pet shop bought rats and mice .. They have a very varied diet and are all very healthy I don't need any advice from anyone who is rude in how they come across. I know what I can and can't feed my dogs. At the end of the day if you can't help me out then politely jog on. Thank you

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I feed my dogs literally hundreds of raw squirrels a year, all with the guts in and they love them! There's never anything left except the odd orange tooth. Olivia, try and find someone who shoots/traps squirrels in your area, your dogs will love them. :thumbs: Oh, and IMO don't feed 'wild' rats.... :victory:

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I know A lot of people who feed this way .. Not so much in the lurcher world .. But know a few people who keep wolf hybrids that's feed whole rabbits guts in .. And got a contact who sells them with guts out to people all over .. Because u haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't go on

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