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Personally i gut the animal up to the stomach leaving the lungs, kidneys, liver, heart in, anything below the dog prob wont eat and you will have to clean it up after it tears it out, I skin as well only because i believe it helps with retrieving, the dog is used to you skinning before it eats so is inclined to retrieve.

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Well they've had them before and there perfectly fine and I know what the smell is like it doesn't bother me in the slightest - and I'm an adult obviously I do know what I'm doing in relation to raw and if a dog doesn't want to eat the messy bits then they will leave them and I'm pretty sure there will be another animal around that will quite happily eat it - I own Staffordshire bull terriers only no other breed due to personal preference - so if people are just going to give me abuse or question what I'm doing then save it for someone else

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I have someone who's selling me some rabbits in the next week or so - and the rats I fed were rats that were from the pet shop so basically snake food so they were gut loaded two of my dogs soon worked out how to eat it safe to say it was all gone after two days - the guts? Haven't a clue where they went and I clean up my garden every day if not every other day I don't leave stuff lying around although a pigs head can be left outside for a week and is still fine for them to eat if I saw that it was going rancid it would be put in the bin as I did with the first ever rat when I just had one of my girls I had gutted it for her from the guts and she was more bothered about playing with it and tossing it about rather than eating it so after a few days it got put in the bin. A dogs stomach acid is strong enough to digest bone I'm pretty sure some small guts aren't going to do my dogs any harm and dogs are very clever if it's something that doesn't taste nice or isn't good for them then they won't eat it or at least throw it up - they eat eye balls and brain along with the skull which some may think is something I also shouldn't feed but I have done my research into raw feeding and still learn as I go but I would t give my dogs anything that could make them ill - just to clear that up

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