CushtyJook 1,097 Posted June 20, 2015 Report Share Posted June 20, 2015 Have any of you night walkers ever seen balls of light in the grass that exists for a fraction of a second .Ive seen a few and others with me and on their own too .Usually out the corner of the eye but always mid distance ie 40 yards approx Yes defo see. What you are explaining and in the summer I often see lots of glowworms Quote Link to post Share on other sites
CushtyJook 1,097 Posted June 20, 2015 Report Share Posted June 20, 2015 Can someone explain to me also why it always seems to be people wearing old fashioned clothes reported as gosht sightings and never someone in tracksuit bottoms Nike trainers and a flat peak hat ???? was talking to a few people who said they have seen goshts and all reported to be old looking Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Slippery_Weasel 460 Posted June 20, 2015 Report Share Posted June 20, 2015 Can someone explain to me also why it always seems to be people wearing old fashioned clothes reported as gosht sightings and never someone in tracksuit bottoms Nike trainers and a flat peak hat ???? was talking to a few people who said they have seen goshts and all reported to be old looking My eldest described a 'ghost' he saw wearing exactly that in the house here, except it was a baseball type cap instead. Am pretty sure nobody who will have died in the house in the past will have been dressed like that so I'm sure we're ok lol 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Slippery_Weasel 460 Posted June 20, 2015 Report Share Posted June 20, 2015 I don't believe in ghosts and such like, I find most that do often believe in fortune tellers and horoscopes . Nearly everything can be explained logically . A friend and I were out lamping foxes about 20 years ago near Alton, anyway directly above our heads appeared these lights , clear as day perfect formation they were spinning and travelling up and about , you could touch them. The brain goes into overdrive trying to provide a logical explanation , when it can't fear creeps in and off we shot. Once back at the heavily armoured house of his grandfathers we were slightly embarrassed to hear him say ' thats the nightclub laser machine about 6 mile away boys'. I've seen the same lights in the past while walking back from lamping. Spinning and moving in a big fig of eight. Tracked it back to a disco thingy at a pub 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Truther 1,579 Posted June 20, 2015 Report Share Posted June 20, 2015 Can someone explain to me also why it always seems to be people wearing old fashioned clothes reported as gosht sightings and never someone in tracksuit bottoms Nike trainers and a flat peak hat ???? was talking to a few people who said they have seen goshts and all reported to be old looking Gods obviously got good dress sense......... banned all the shit clobber i wouldn't bed my dogs on 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
richie1984 191 Posted June 20, 2015 Report Share Posted June 20, 2015 This place I work has some strange goings on its not an old building it's a industrial unit about 30 years old,it's built on an old estate grounds that was sold off.I work in a team of 3 and only us in the and the other two lads were sat around in our office on our laptops etc when we heard this god awful moan come from where the machines are we went out to investigate and nowt there.anyways it started happening regular moans,shouts then one of the lads names being shouted out.there's no explanation for it the unit is locked when we're at work no one in or out key code doors cctv.anyways we couldn't explain it even at the end of the month when all the lines were down still me and the lads when we heard the shouting we'd shout feck off to it that's when things got worse.we were stood by one of the lines talking and out of nowhere a 2ft piece of 2x2 hit me in the eye splitting my eyebrow open.another time Neil on my shift got a thick compressed cardboard core chucked at his head,me and the other lad seen it happen.a lad covering our shift got hit in the back by the same piece of wood I got hit with.all in all we've had cores,screw drivers,Alan keys,pens,small pallets all chucked at us.we all agreed to just ignore what ever else happens and eventually it stopped.only now and again we hear shouts but just ignore them.sometimes if we're working on a machine we'll see a pair of legs go past but no one there or something run across the gantry above the machines.I've no explanation for it ghost maybe?I'd say I believe in them but I've never came across anything strange while out with lamp or in any other circumstances so I don't know. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
lurcherman 887 13,264 Posted June 20, 2015 Report Share Posted June 20, 2015 Lol Quote Link to post Share on other sites
lurcherman 887 13,264 Posted June 20, 2015 Report Share Posted June 20, 2015 Wish some one throw 2x2 at one these loud mouth romainian cnuts 3 doors down noise out them unreal think they need there gazebo taking 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
richie1984 191 Posted June 20, 2015 Report Share Posted June 20, 2015 This place I work has some strange goings on its not an old building it's a industrial unit about 30 years old,it's built on an old estate grounds that was sold off.I work in a team of 3 and only us in the and the other two lads were sat around in our office on our laptops etc when we heard this god awful moan come from where the machines are we went out to investigate and nowt there.anyways it started happening regular moans,shouts then one of the lads names being shouted out.there's no explanation for it the unit is locked when we're at work no one in or out key code doors cctv.anyways we couldn't explain it even at the end of the month when all the lines were down still me and the lads when we heard the shouting we'd shout feck off to it that's when things got worse.we were stood by one of the lines talking and out of nowhere a 2ft piece of 2x2 hit me in the eye splitting my eyebrow open.another time Neil on my shift got a thick compressed cardboard core chucked at his head,me and the other lad seen it happen.a lad covering our shift got hit in the back by the same piece of wood I got hit with.all in all we've had cores,screw drivers,Alan keys,pens,small pallets all chucked at us.we all agreed to just ignore what ever else happens and eventually it stopped.only now and again we hear shouts but just ignore them.sometimes if we're working on a machine we'll see a pair of legs go past but no one there or something run across the gantry above the machines.I've no explanation for it ghost maybe?I'd say I believe in them but I've never came across anything strange while out with lamp or in any other circumstances so I don't know. had an accident at work? Not your fault?you trying for a claim mate? Haha wish I was like to see hse explain it. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
THE GENERAL 1,982 Posted June 21, 2015 Report Share Posted June 21, 2015 I'm the most sceptical person anyone can meet when it comes to ghosts etc. as I'm not easily scared. I live in an area known as "the murder triangle" No need for ghost stories unfortunately as I've seen enough reality to last me a lifetime, it's the living you should be feared off, not the dead. Not a ghost story but a weird one I can never explain is that I'll never forget the guy that moved in next to my friends mums house, a proper weirdo he was. No one knew him he wouldn't say hello bigtime deep character and was always by himself never had any friends around. We were only kids but remember him well because he had football pictures blu taced facing outwards on his living room and front door windows so you couldn't see in. The bedroom windows had posters of Marilyn Monrow and Page 3 girls facing outwards covering them. The same guy walked up to the local shop one Saturday morning at 9am in his birthday suit wearing only a pair of Doctor Martin boots. Lifted the daily sport and went to the counter to pay for it only for the owner to tell him to gtf and rang the police. He got arrested and charged but after a few weeks no one had seen him about. The guy was a recluse. Ended up cops burst the front door open scared for his welfare after a few days, flys and a bad smell etc. he was found on the couch burnt to death I mean completely carbon fibre black soot. They said cause of death was inconclusive maybe feel asleep with a cigarette in his hand. The couch he was on had some burns on it but the rest of the living room was grand. Spontaneous combustion at its best? I don't know but why if he burned did the house not burn ? Guess I'll never know. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
MoChara 1,632 Posted June 21, 2015 Report Share Posted June 21, 2015 Ah frig it I'll share my other one - This is one I try not to think about too much cause it scared the ever living shit out of me. Think I was about 14-15, in car with 3 other people I was in the back seat - was still early but getting dark on way home we went our usual route nothing out of the ordinary as usual - started going up this hill on road when we got to the top i saw A lad run in front of the car from the left side, looking out the windscreen I saw his baseball cap and a navy jacket - when he got to middle of bonnet that's when he was gone, I don't know what I said but my mum who was in front seat asked me what happened I was white as a sheet. Told her we've got someone. I was ADAMENT we hit this young fella. Nothing no one else saw him, no bang, no dents. Few days went past then we past the same spot in daytime, on the trees from where the young fella ran there was two scarves wrapped round- we asked about and it turned out a dad and his son was killed in a motorbike accident on that same exact hill. Shocked me and all who saw my reaction to hitting this wee fella. I've never really spoke about it since unless someone brings it up. 3 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
salclalin 240 Posted June 21, 2015 Report Share Posted June 21, 2015 15 yrs ago i was working nights regular in a factory.Part of my job was to open up a Satelitte unit about 50 yards from the main factory ready for the dayshift.Me and a fitter went over one morning to open up about turn all the lights and machines on.Has we opened up one of the machines was already running.We found out later that one of the elderly ladies died at that exact machine. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisJones 7,975 Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 So that's evolution out the window then, Sorry couldn't resist, but il leave the sacred cow, I mean evo alone tonight Like I said you're entitled to believe in any mythology you wish. I'll leave the sacred nonsense to you lads! I'll stick with the truth! Anyway... ghosts... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
bird 9,985 Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 So that's evolution out the window then, Sorry couldn't resist, but il leave the sacred cow, I mean evo alone tonight Like I said you're entitled to believe in any mythology you wish. I'll leave the sacred nonsense to you lads! I'll stick with the truth! Anyway... ghosts... spot on , its not the dead feckers you want to scared of, its the live buggers out there , plenty of scum out there to worry and frighten you . 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Wales1234 5,560 Posted June 22, 2015 Report Share Posted June 22, 2015 Not one for believing in all this shit till the last few days !! Since my brother moved out parents been doing the house out its the bathrooms turn and the bath ended up on my bed while it's being done !! So il in his room since then loads of weird stuff has been going on !! First was my phone went flying across the room literally pulled off charge and hit the opposite wall in the middle of the night ! Also the TV kept coming on randomly in the night I've unplugged it now !! And also my mother make up bag flew across their room earlier today no one was in the room it was on the bed side draws ended up by the bedroom door !! It's freaking the hell out of me !!! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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