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Just Seen Cubs Playing

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  On 03/06/2015 at 07:44, jamie2004live said:


  On 02/06/2015 at 19:44, FairLead said:

Because it will be in her maternal instinct to defend her young and herself...ie,putting up a greater fight than any cub.

I think from that post it shows how much terrier work youve done over the years! ? so why are you even commenting on here with so little knowledge? was out digging at the start of may, old dog marked a fox, there was absolutely no sign of cubs. no flys no bones feathers nothing and it certainly wasnt a polished entrance, anyway an experienced dog was entered who had a good few seasons under its belt, dog was baying. after quite a while of the dog digging on broke through about a metre. dog was wedged solid and still baying, pulled him out and shone up the pipe with a torch there was 5 cubs and im judging maybie a week old, the cubs were collected and left at the entrance for the vixen 2 pick up and dig backfilled, as the vixen was NOT there, to be honest if an unexperienced terrierman is digging cubs to bring his pup on maybie 75 percent of the time it would be unsucsessful, you would have to be mad to enter pups on cubs in little rabbity spots, and finnaly fox dropper is right, no vixen will stand and fight given an exit route! many times ive seen leave cubs to a dog only 2 push further on where its tight, ultimately sacrifficing her offspring just so she can buy her self time! Fair lead are you anti? or have you just never done any digging before? and love talking absolute bollox that probably about 20 percent of the members on here can see straight through????
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In the last week I've seen 3 litters and been told of 3 more. That's all probably in a 3 miles radius. If the midnight cowboys leave them be it could be a good Winter.

To me must of the lads off this site only dig during the summer making excuses that they will lose there permission if they don't do it what a load of shite

Is it not safe too say that there both right this is threw personal experience just 3 months ago we got a call too take care of a fox and when we eventually found her it was in a hole that we done 2 y

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  On 03/06/2015 at 10:18, FairLead said:
  On 03/06/2015 at 07:44, jamie2004live said:
  On 02/06/2015 at 19:44, FairLead said:

Because it will be in her maternal instinct to

I think from that post it shows how much terrier work youve done over the years! so why are you even commenting on here with so little knowledge? was out digging at the start of may, old dog marked a fox, there was absolutely no sign of cubs. no flys no bones feathers nothing and it certainly wasnt a polished entrance, anyway an experienced dog was entered who had a good few seasons under its belt, dog was baying. after quite a while of the dog digging on broke through about a metre. dog was wedged solid and still baying, pulled him out and shone up the pipe with a torch there was 5 cubs and im judging maybie a week old, the cubs were collected and left at the entrance for the vixen 2 pick up and dig backfilled, as the vixen was NOT there, to be honest if an unexperienced terrierman is digging cubs to bring his pup on maybie 75 percent of the time it would be unsucsessful, you would have to be mad to enter pups on cubs in little rabbity spots, and finnaly fox dropper is right, no vixen will stand and fight given an exit route! many times ive seen leave cubs to a dog only 2 push further on where its tight, ultimately sacrifficing her offspring just so she can buy her self time! Fair lead are you anti? or have you just never done any digging before? and love talking absolute bollox that probably about 20 percent of the members on here can see straight through????

we're talking about entering a 10 month old terrier into an earth where there is a possibility of it fronting up to a fully grown fox,and probably ruining the dogs future..no I'm not anti but got a certain respect for my quarry, unlike you it would seem..giving it the big one,digging in May,..have u never "stumbled" across a Vixen with cubs down under,seems to me you're all talk no trousers,give people respect and you'll reap the rewards,instead of trying to bully your way through life.
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haha was that a bite Fair lead? what putting thecubs back down the enterance for the mother to collect them and im cruel. dont forget youve probably been on here two minute, do a search you will find a digging post every week from me, genuine and simpson 10 my digging partners. there was no one doing that week in week out, got loads of daft messers like yourself commenting a complete rubbish all the time. hence why a hardly come/comment on here anymore, that is the trouble with this site ya get plenty of experts but as soon as you get an indepth disscusion, it exposes the dreamers, smack head ??

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  On 01/06/2015 at 12:33, man o kent said:

Calm down gents. If it's an active earth, that had Cubs outside not long beforehand, I can't see a major problem in letting his pup take a look once. We all have to learn as we go, it's not the end of the world

ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD, :thumbs: its a few cubs,that might get moved or might stay put ,no big deal ,at least you been out and seen them lee :yes:

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  On 03/06/2015 at 15:40, jamie2004live said:

haha was that a bite Fair lead? what putting thecubs back down the enterance for the mother to collect them and im cruel. dont forget youve probably been on here two minute, do a search you will find a digging post every week from me, genuine and simpson 10 my digging partners. there was no one doing that week in week out, got loads of daft messers like yourself commenting a complete rubbish all the time. hence why a hardly come/comment on here anymore, that is the trouble with this site ya get plenty of experts but as soon as you get an indepth disscusion, it exposes the dreamers, smack head

..its nice to see you sending in digging posts in keeps the site healthy,I actually are with some of your comments,but when u jump down someones throat because u disagree with a comment, accusing them of allsorts,...does it matter how little experience a guy has?..with all of your said knowledge try passing it on in a courteous manner and help the future generation...I wouldn't have to spend all day on my phone typing this nonsense then!!!
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Feck me all this coz I saw a set of fox cubs one day and rightly or wrongly let my pup have a sniff the next. There sure are a lot of different opinions on here. Some just give opinions in a helpful manner and some just wanna prove they know more than you not hard to do

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I don't know about a vixen below ground when she got cubs cause never dug a vixen and cubs but ive seen a vixen try and take a dog away from her cubs when shes above ground by showing her self and getting dogs to hunt her same as a dog fox will take you away from a vixen when being hunted and I have never seen it but they say if you are digging cubs the vixen will sometimes be not far away calling her cubs and try to get you to follow her away from the den also acting injured at the same time I don't want piles of shit fired at me for saying some of this cause only some I know is true have anybody else witnessed this

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  On 04/06/2015 at 18:41, donnyc said:

Over many many seasons with a few hunt packs plus call outs always found IF the vixen was home she looked after herself before the cubs either going for a bolt or squeezed in tight..

Correct.... seems like a few on here have been reading the wind in the willows or plummer books! If the vixen is with the cubs.... the cubs will usually be very young or you catch the vixen shifting them.... and if she is with them as been said she will more than readily throw cubs in front of her so she can squeeze tight or bolt.... this maternal instinct than some seem to think a fox has is dreamed up scenario..... they are hardwired for survival top predator in UK/EIRE they will get the hell out of there no qualms at the first scent of man or dogs....unless raised in a woodland or park frequented by humans and dogs.

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