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tail docking


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hello guys

can any one help me i live in the durham/tyne & wear area i have a litter of ess due this week this is the first time i have bred my own litter.

last week i got the yellow pages out and phoned every vet to get there tails docked not one would do it.

can any one tell me what paper work i need and is there any one who can put me in touch with a vet who could dock them for me. 0191 5172101


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hello guys

can any one help me i live in the durham/tyne & wear area i have a litter of ess due this week this is the first time i have bred my own litter.

last week i got the yellow pages out and phoned every vet to get there tails docked not one would do it.

can any one tell me what paper work i need and is there any one who can put me in touch with a vet who could dock them for me. 0191 5172101


theres a vet my way (oxfordshire) who docks em,when you have em done he's gives you the paper work to say he's done em thata all :thumbdown:

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Just tried to ring you,,

my misses works in a vet here in north wales,,

i could sort somthing out for you , MAYBE get it a bit cheaper for you dont know would have to ask her,

a discount on a pup would be good :whistling::icon_redface: ..only joking....


your going to need a shotgun ticket,

and sign some paper work to say there going to working homes



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hi jamsey

just got back in right i,m not a shooting man so no ticket, i work my dogs on variuos shoots picking up and beating i,m a memeber of nobs.

wales might be a little far, its about 4+hours from me to there but thanks i will keep all opions open ;)

Edited by moss
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Am sure if you offer one of your mates on the shoot a cheap pup, they will take them to get doc , and use there ticket..

if you get really stuck give use a shout and maybe we could come to arrangment..





It's conversations like this that should not be had on an "open forum " afterall the docking exemptions are thereto keep the politicians happy, and the paperwork has to be above board, which obviously it's not given this conversation this far, and anyone can read the forum....just a word of caution..



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please forgive my ignorance but why should this not be spoke about on open forum :hmm: i have asked a guinue question, from what i gather i own and work dogs (which i can prove) yes i dont have a shotgun certificate but i am still within the law as i work my dogs on shoots.

alot of trailing people dont shoot but can get there dogs dock so were is your problem druimmuir :( may be seeing you know the law fully you could tell me what needs to be done instead of critising this post

regards paul

Edited by moss
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please forgive my ignorance but why should this not be spoke about on open forum :hmm: i have asked a guinue question, from what i gather i own and work dogs (which i can prove) yes i dont have a shotgun certificate but i am still within the law as i work my dogs on shoots.

alot of trailing people dont shoot but can get there dogs dock so were is your problem druimmuir :( may be seeing you know the law fully you could tell me what needs to be done instead of critising this post

regards paul


Paul it's not a case of criticising your post, sorry if you thought it was but with docking being so controversial in this day and age its best to err on the side of caution, it has already been suggested on the topic that you can have someone else take your pups to a vet and have them docked, thats breaking the law ! if you are happy to do that then fair enough, I don't have a problem with that, if you check the defra website it states what the legal requirements are now for having your litter docked, it's nothing to do with whether you shoot or not, it's about providing the evidence that the pups are going to working homes, etc etc, hopefully this link will give you some guidance.





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please forgive my ignorance but why should this not be spoke about on open forum :hmm: i have asked a guinue question, from what i gather i own and work dogs (which i can prove) yes i dont have a shotgun certificate but i am still within the law as i work my dogs on shoots.

alot of trailing people dont shoot but can get there dogs dock so were is your problem druimmuir :( may be seeing you know the law fully you could tell me what needs to be done instead of critising this post

regards paul



It is a genuine question Paul no problem at all asking members who know a vet who will dock, but its the implication that someone other than a vet would be willing do it for you for a discount on a pup ,is what Druimmuir is pointing out.The fact that on an open forum anyone can read your post and tail docking is illegal unless a vet does it and all the paperwork is carried out to the letter.In an open forum we simply dont know who reads these post .Iam sure that there will be a few members on huntinglife-com who sentiments are not in reality what the claim to be

And looking for any information which can be used against us..the law is an ass over tail docking and nearly unenforceable in England but sure enough sooner or later some animal welfare org will try a private prosecution and the full weight of the law and there resources will be used ..so in a open forum I would urge members to be very careful.If anyone can help you Paul I would strongly reccommend them to pm you.

Can I recommend you to try The Council for Docked Breeds they should be able to put you in touch with a vet in your area.Also B.A.S.C where collating a list of vets who will dock,so a phone call to them may give you a few more leads.

Regards Steve


Regards Steve

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yes i understand and you are right, now i contacted the bva and they put me in touch with the council of docked breed that was of no help at all :censored: they said contact basc or country side alliance which i,m not a member of any.

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