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My First Gun!

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Hi all this is my first post so I'm not entirely sure how to go about it? so here goes.

I've managed to dig out my dads old smk/west lake b2! And I know what your all about to say! It's shite and not accurate but, after 8 years abuse and not being looked after in the slightest it's not got a millimetre of barrel wobble or a spot of rust on it,so I decided to tidy it up abit! I set about sanding down the stock and I must say whilst eating the factory finish was incredibly poor, it was made of some not to shabby wood, so I'm just gunna leave it bare grain and a few coats of varnish because well it's only a b2 and not really worth spending much on so I've ordered a cheap sight off eBay that my mates got and it was £18 and a 3-9 times magnification and a 40 mm front lens ( I forget the term!) and just a pair of mounts for about£8 off eBay again and a tin of smk pointed spitfire pellets in .22 so yeah I'll put a few pictures of the groupings I get and of the finished product in a week or two

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Alright man.


I had a B2 Chinese affair years back, bashed the starlings with it something rotten. My old man bought it with a cheque through the post for 30 beans. It got me into shooting, other than the man indoors clipping me around the ear when I slacked on my leading hand.


Pictures are good. Get um up. You'll soon out grow it. Stick with the mechanical side of things, otherwise you'll become a good shot in your own head :)



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Forget SMK pellets full stop. Most are just random blobs of lead. Trust me, look through a tin and you will see plenty of pellets with damned great flakes on, holes in the skirts, holes in the heads, in the case of the pointed head pellets some very odd angles of head to skirt.


You need a nice domed pellet, does not have to be the most expensive tin in the shop, but a nice medium priced tin. The quality will be better which means that your grouping of shots will be better. The pointed head will do for shooting tin cans, but other than that, not really recommeded!

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Any rifle will get your enthusiasm up but my tip would have to be lose the pointy pellets! They'll knacker up your accuracy (and hence enthusiasm) more than any rifle can ;)


Best advice you will hear tonight, get some decent pellets, pointed are shi*e,

+1 ☺

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