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Strange Or Not

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i was walking my dhx's and the 3 legged dog this morning when a small van stopped only a couple of young lads in it he asked if i new anyone selling any lurchers i replied no sorry he drove off i walked through the ginle to my house and the same van came down my street ?? i walked passed my house and kept an eye on the van it came right back up i spotted the lads again round the corner the van has a roofing firm says global roofing on it i think and the reg plate is NY53BCK maybe me but it all sempt a little strange could be nowt but ya never no these days doncaster area is where i live close to mexbrough could be nothing but just keep an eye out

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I dont think he even knows himself mate

tell the cops you seen the van following children about your street, they wont be long in getting a move on then


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Tell everyone in the neighbourhood there's some dodgy guys about, casing local properties, lay it on bit thick, people more alert if they think it might happen to them.


Cheers, D.

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put a house brick in theyer face if they turn up on you plase lots of kids throwing stones about thees day could of been any one cose that what the police will say when you point the finger at them

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