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It's the right way to go about things! I'd like to think if I needed something someone would help me or at least offer !

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do you guys realise how difficult it would be to get direct imports from saab,he once sent eggs from the states over here and got caught and has never sent since.i know the breed of the six eggs that did reach uk.

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Guest Navek

If you read the post it says from saabs friend not Saab......and there's pleanty people sending eggs over if you no how do it....loads of Pakistanies are sending eggs over

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If you read the post it says from saabs friend not Saab......and there's pleanty people sending eggs over if you no how do it....loads of Pakistanies are sending eggs over

I realise that but actualy speaking to saab for the last several years on the subject I know facts and the claims are not true in 99.9% of cases,what can you sa, to me to back your claims.

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Guest Navek

Me personally nothing..... But why would be lucky need to lie about having eggs from of Nasser saabs freind in Texas ....how do you no Nasser saabs freind from Texas didn't send be lucky the eggs ? Maybe be lucky payed a small fortune for them...truth is you or I will never no the truth but I for one don't think belucky would lie about such things

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Guest Navek

Or if you mean what can I say to back my claim up of Pakistanies bringing eggs over here .............well simple there getting enought of there sister brothers autos and uncles over here so dout a egg would be much trouble lol

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why plenty do and do you know him personaly.also if you read my original post I said do you realise how difficult it was to get these eggs,i did not say he was a liar,your supposition.look how many times have you or some one you know been fooled into false claims,it goes on so much in this world of chickens or didn't you realise this.

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Guest Navek

Nope I dint realise this. I was under the assumption that if someone was getting eggs of such a respected and sought after line that they would of done there homework abit about were the eggs were actually coming from....maybe this isn't the case and maybe he has been had off but what I was trying to say was it was not impossible to have eggs from off saabs lines sent over....which now you have pointed out and I have re read back what you put ..."do you guys realise how difficult it would be to get direct imports from saab" I realise that I jumped the gun abit thinking you were implying that there was no way they were off his lines......for which I apologise for that ......and as for keeping it clean about Pakistanies bringing them over I couldn't give a toss about keeping it clean (my post ) for them

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Nope I dint realise this. I was under the assumption that if someone was getting eggs of such a respected and sought after line that they would of done there homework abit about were the eggs were actually coming from....maybe this isn't the case and maybe he has been had off but what I was trying to say was it was not impossible to have eggs from off saabs lines sent over....which now you have pointed out and I have re read back what you put ..."do you guys realise how difficult it would be to get direct imports from saab" I realise that I jumped the gun abit thinking you were implying that there was no way they were off his lines......for which I apologise for that ......and as for keeping it clean about Pakistanies bringing them over I couldn't give a toss about keeping it clean (my post ) for them

[/the guy (raheel) contacted me last year regarding getting some Taiwan eggs from me , we have since became good friends, we have sent each other a LOT of eggs he has hatched two Taiwan pullets and I have hatched two ganoi stags we have kind of got the packing cracked no ,the last 12 eggs I sent him a majority were fertile but illness with one of his realatives meant he was not around for the hatch resulting in only one chick , he is sending me some soon in the same package I used to send his eggs so WATCH THIS SPACE LOL, atb belucky

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